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Posts posted by Don

  1. Turns out the fix was reinstalling the official Nvidia driver.

    I did have a usable 0ad from svn a couple of months ago, and suddenly got these symptoms without changing the video driver. My guess is, the video driver must be reinstalled whenever there's a kernel upgrade. I knew I'd updated 0ad, didn't know I'd updated the kernel, and nothing was obviously broken other than 0ad, so the wrong conclusion seemed right.

  2. I gather I'm the only one with this problem at game startup


    since no one else is complaining that they haven't been able to play the game for weeks. I've done the obvious things, svn update, update workspaces, rebuild. And on startup I see:

    $ binaries/system/pyrogenesisCache: 500 (total: 2012) MiBTIMER| InitVfs: 465.525 msSound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL SoftTIMER| CONFIG_Init: 408.641 msTIMER| InitScripting: 175.653 msX Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)Major opcode of failed request: 137 (NV-GLX)Minor opcode of failed request: 4 ()Resource id in failed request: 0x2e0000fSerial number of failed request: 36Current serial number in output stream: 36UserReport.cpp(515): Assertion failed: "!m_Worker"Segmentation fault

    Is this a problem someone else has already overcome? Is there something else I can try?

  3. It's right, but I think that it's wrong say that the closed source security technology is not secure before trying it, or not?

    I'm not making a claim about any particular implementation. I'm saying that in general, open source software is more secure because more people have reviewed the source. Closed-source software has been generally been reviewed fewer times by fewer people. And we have a long long history of proprietary software makers who simply ignore security problems with their products, even after they've been notified.

    I am particularly suspicious of closed-source security software, since the risks are higher, and since we have seen examples of trojans disguised as security software. Nothing personal against you; it's just that you've been preceded by a lot of charlatans.

    • Like 2
  4. I saw CLIPS in use at Union Pacific Railroad, where they do some really elaborate processing of data from locomotives and from trackside sensors. An advantage of using it would be that we could avoid writing the rules engine and concentrate on the rules themselves. We might or might not be happy with the speed of execution, but then I've only watched CLIPS work with vast data sets.

    I've done a little twiddling with the JS code for Aegis, mostly learning what I could strip out to get a do-nothing AI. Just that much is difficult (for me) without documentation of the API. If I were setting priorities I'd put documentation of the AI system near the top.

  5. An undesirable side effect of assigning an IP address to a malicious user, is that innocent people using the same IP (for example, a Tor exit node) will be unable to use it to connect to the Wordpress server. Obviously that's less of a problem if the block time is shorter. Probably any block time, even minutes, is sufficient to make the attacker move on to another target that can be attacked efficiently.

    An alternative approach is in place on many UNIX-like systems: if the username/password combination is incorrect, just wait 5 seconds or so before giving the bad news. A brute force attack under those conditions wouldn't be able to try more than a dozen username/password combinations in an hour (assuming no other defenses, like disconnecting the attacker after three attempts). I don't have the data, but I would guess that would make it difficult to break in---the job of hours or days.

  6. There are two threats here. One is the denial of service attack (locking accounts by trying to break in), the other is successfully breaking in and taking over one account.

    It's not clear how identifying a "malicious user" (i.e., an account owned by an innocent person, which is the target of a breakin attempt), and preventing login, is more useful (or even different) than locking the account.

    It's also not clear how you could increase the difficulty of a brute-force attack leading to a successful breakin, other than by the obvious means of requiring strong passwords (non-dictionary words, special characters, minimum length, yadda yadda yadda).

  7. I don't think you can write on in C++ now, so you have to do it in Javascript. However we're planning to move some things to C++ for performance, so there might be a day when this is possible.

    OK, so if I were crazy enough to proceed with developing my own AI---which I assure you, I'm only considering because I don't want to mow the lawn---how would I turn off the fog of war to watch what the AI is doing?

  8. I'd be interested in playing around with the AI, but without docs on the API I'm struggling to come up with the right question. Probably neither of these is the right question:

    • Is there a skeletal do-nothing AI example in the code base, one that does nothing useful but contains the most basic components?
    • I'd like to create a new AI implementation, and watch it fight AegisBot (and lose). Is it possible to create a new AI in one C++ module, or must I write JavaScript?

  9. I showed StarCraft to some friends at a LAN party once. That was at noon. We finally went home at about 11 p.m. having played nonstop the whole time, and then our host stayed up all night playing after we left. There's just something about it. I never felt I had more than scratched the surface of all the available strategies.

    Since all my previous RTS experience has been with Blizzard games, the hardest thing to get used to in 0ad has been the fact that I don't get killed in the first ten minutes.

  10. I did follow that thread on your shiny new memory pool class. Once yours is part of the engine, I'll happily use it in the quadtree. The fact that yours doesn't require fixing pointers will allow me to eliminate several lines of code and clean up some needless complexity.

    I considered ripping out that assert(), since it's usually considered bad form to leave an assert in production code. But if asserts are OK in 0ad, yes it should check to see that size is indeed a power of two.

    There's at least one horrible bug that I realized was there after I submitted the patch, which I'll clean up in the next iteration. Wrote myself a note about it, put it on my desk, now can't find the note (and I can barely find the desk).

  11. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2016

    I implemented a quadtree and submitted a patch. If the reviewers like it, I'll change a few lines and submit an octree as well, then the quadtree and octree supporters can duke it out among themselves.

    After trying a few different ways of hiding the game object's implementation from the tree, I compromised. The tree class is a friend to the game object class, and has access to a few private member variables in the game object. Each game object knows the address of its own tree node.

    The tree starts out with a single node. As game objects are added, levels are added to the tree to keep the number of objects per node below MAX_OBJECTS. After game objects are deleted, there is the option to traverse the tree and prune unneeded levels.

    The implementation of the memory pool is not as simple as I'd like, but it does avoid memory fragmentation.

    I'll be curious to see the feedback.

  12. "Negro" isn't considered as vicious as "@#$%," but both are considered racist and unacceptable (except in a historical discussion of racist speech, like this exchange). I might give my grandma a pass on "negro," but she's 100. Younger than that, you should know better.

    There was a time when the word "Bantu" didn't carry a racist connotation, just as there was a time when a swastika wasn't a racist symbol. Using either of them in an innocent way would require a lot of explaining. Obviously not everyone will wait to have it explained.

    Perhaps there is a subgroup not named Bantu?

  13. Read to the bottom of the Wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bantu_peoples#Use_of_the_term_.22Bantu.22_in_South_Africa The term "Bantu" has some racist freight, and we shouldn't be using it. I'd say it has about the same status as the word "negro" has in the United States, which is to say that I don't use it, and would object to someone else using the word to describe a black person.

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