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    Open Source software, intelligent games

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Tiro (1/14)



  1. What do you guys think about uploading 0 A.D. music to Soundcloud? Mobile users prefer this service, it's very popular nowadays and it allows music downloading. And Bandcamp doesn't, by the way. And you can always link Soundcloud account to Flattr so we can support 0 A.D. musicians directly.
  2. 1. Build a dock. (you must be at the 1st phase, so three better ships are locked till you upgrade) 2. You can't click on the icons, but you can press the hotkeys... and they work :-)
  3. I agree, popup is too much. Maybe... a link? (a button with in the main menu, not annoying, but perfectly visible) And it allows to see all ways how to make a donation. Any other ideas?
  4. Hello there! I have posted a message on the IRC board, wraitii advised to post it in the forums, as developers read it more often. So, I discovered Flattr a week ago and yesterday wanted to make a donation for 0 A.D. using it. But k776's message is the only way to find the donation page -- even Flattr search doesn't find 0AD page! I suggest you could significantly improve the contributions count through Flattr if there were several things made: 1) A button on the main page. Just like the one at GIMP.org. 2) Better search tags and a name on Flattr page. I tried to search for "0AD" (6 results, but no real page), "0 A.D." and "0 AD" (found nothing). I think it is possible to place all 3 names in description or a name. By the way, it would be great to call it "official" -- people won't be confused. 3) And add flattr option on the "Donations" page, of course. It's strange that it still isn't there. And this are kind wishes, I know that you work intensively and, for me, the game gets better and better! The best RTS on Linux for me, on par with Spring. P.S. I think that microdonation services like Flattr have true potential, because people want to keep all money in one place and to donate automatically. It's suprising that people nowadays know that it is good to support devs and this is, in my opinion, the model for the future. Not huge revenues like corporate software, of course, but now you can make opensource software and get well paid for it. That is the true balance. You just have to spread your word and let people know how to support you.
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