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Posts posted by bonazaz

  1. Hello, everybody,

    I have invented and written the concept document for 'Tartessos' - a MMORTS that I have in mind. I am working on the design document currently and have collected many supporting materials (pictures, ideas, descriptions of units etc.). The interesting part is, I have been in contact with quite a few commercial gamedev companies and one of them actually replied showing interest BUT saying they would only be interested to look at a playable, not a design/concept document.

    So, is there anybody interested in teaming up with me on that? I'm not a programmer - I am a writer. So, I'd welcome programmers, artists, etc. My idea is, we'd get together, make a playable and then I'd send the playable to that company - if they take it up, we'd share the pie.

    Please, email me if interested or if you have some suggestions. bonazaz@gmail.com

    Best regards,

    Faig M

    P.S. I am attaching the description of one of the game units - the 'artifact' hero the Thelamonian Ajax just so you know what I can do and that I am serious about 'Tartessos'.

    Ajax (artefact hero) ENG.pdf

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