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Posts posted by Communist

  1. Sorry for the fact that I am a bit of a noob, but I really want to modify this game. After I get into public.zip, I have no idea what is where. Please tell me the locations of...

    Textures/3D models for all the units and buildings, the XML settings for all the units and buildings, the technology XML's, and the civilization XML's.

  2. We already have a plan for improving and enhancing the farms. The current farming paradigm will be greatly improved and completely changed:

    • Have a "Farmland" terrain where farming is bonused considerably (+50% or something).
    • Farms become infinite. The major gameplay factor then becomes placement and fighting over/raiding the farmland patches situated throughout the map.
    • Since farms are infinite, we'll add a "diminishing returns" gathering rate per gatherer. Essentially after about 5 gatherers on a farm it becomes much more effective to build a 2nd farm and so on.


    Ah, interesting. I hope that will be implemented quite soon. I am greatly looking forward to new progress.

  3. I really do not like the farm system. It has a limited amount of resources, which is quite unusual for RTS games, as well as not that much. I suggest that you either make a much bigger amount of resources for the farms, inifinite resources, or just make the workers simply rebuild another farm on the spot of the old one.

  4. Hello all! I came around the internet looking for a game like the Age of Empires, (which I have gotten tired of), and I think I found a perfect game! I would like to fit myself into this community and say hello to everyone!

    If you were wondering about my taste of gaming, here you go: I really like RTS games, as well as any RPG game from Bethesda. Skyrim, Fallout, and Age of Empires and personally my favorites.

    And If you just happened to notice my username, and why I chose it, that is because I am Russian. Привет всем!

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