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Comrade Temuzu

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Posts posted by Comrade Temuzu

  1. What kind of details? The story? Well I can say that it most propably wont be historically accurate :P As for additional scripts, well, basically, the more the merrier. Area triggers, agent killed triggers, so on and forth.

    Yeah, that definitely sounds a lot more flexible than the AoE system. Pity that its not coming in the first part, but atleast I can work with this info in mind.

    Ah, I see. Sounds good for the game itself, hopefully it will be somewhat moddable.

  2. So, Ive been working on a little campaign, just testing stuff. So far it seems that actual story-driven scenarios are rather hard to produce, with the lack of scripts and so on, but Ive been making some simple search-and-destroy type scenarios. Now heres some questions:

    1. In the future, would it be possible if there was some way of making "neutral" units? As in, like in Age of Empires; When you walk near a neutral unit or building, that unit or building converts to you. Would be very neat to have.

    2. Are there plans for an actual campaign interface? For example, again, Age of Empires II's campaign "map". It had a drawn map with the locations of all the missions, maybe it could be possible for the maker to make his own background and place the missions on the map and so on? Or maybe something like in Empires: Dawn of the Modern World, when there was a small window to the left with a list of the missions, and on the right a big screen of a looping action sequence.

  3. Heya. I finally registered with the latest patch, mainly because I was hoping that one day I might be able to start making a campaign for the game, but maybe in the future. But in the meanwhile, I might aswell share my views with you people.

    Alright, so Ill start with the negative ones. I dont think the game has been "optimized" so to speak? Ive yet to finish a single match that had more than two players, because after a certain point in the match the amount of people on the field, soldiers and workers alike, will start to make my game actually stutter, and thus unplayable. Is it just me?

    Secondly, wall building. My strategy (Ive been playing mainly as the Romans, Im tired of the others already :P) is to slowly build my army, while focusing the building effort on economy and defenses. The problem with this is that building walls, well, is hard. Im pretty sure though that this is actually one of the features still in the making? If so, nevermind my whining, a line of towers and velites at chokepoints works just as well.

    Thirdly, the combat. I like the way it works, but Ive got one major problem: Skirmishers. Thanks to skirmishers, the battles tend to spread out everywhere, making it extremely annoying to watch as half my army is chasing some random javelineer into the distance while the rest are getting slaughtered. Is there something that could be done about this? Maybe Im doing something wrong?

    Now, speaking of the skirmisher problem, I figured I could give my personal idea on how to fix it: Give skirmishers less HP. They are all lightly armored, and still require quite a lot of hits to kill. In order to make them not underpowered, maybe it could be possible to make them extremely weak against melee damage but not against projectile damage? This would make it even more important to keep your skirmishers away from the fight, but when they do get caught they would spread the whole battle all around.

    I cant think of anything else at this instant, but Ill be sure to share if anything comes to mind. Cheers, I hope I posted this at the right place.

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