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Posts posted by Metallistic

  1. The main issue is with wall placement. There will be a new wall placement system in the future, so it will be all good. :)

    I am so glad to hear this, you have no idea. One question though... In several screenshots I have seen units that appear to be ON wall segments. Is that going to be possible? What are you guys thinking about the "siege" aspect of the game like placing units on the walls and eventually fighting on them?This is something I have always missed when it comes to the classics like Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, etc.
  2. Hmm, that doesn't sound like an expected problem. Could you try following the instructions on this page to find where the game is freezing? (It might help to press alt+enter to switch to windowed mode first.)

    Hello there and thanks for the reply. Here is the link: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/496271/

    Did I do it right or I messed up something?

    Btw, every time this happens, my AMD drivers fail and they force a recover. I reinstalled them too, but did not help.

  3. I am using Windows 7 64-bit. Tried running as administrator but with no results. It hangs right after it reaches 100% at the loading screen and the monitor goes white. When I click the mouse button it says that the pyrogenesis.exe is not responding. My video card is an ARI 4870x2 with the latest drivers installed.

    Please help me to resolve this issue, I REALLY want to try this game out. :(

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