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Posts posted by freethread

  1. Thank u all. I'm amazed of how it looks, anyhow the map editor works fine and the textures blend nicely.


    The 'all green' zones should be covered with trees, too many. Some green zones will be covered with trees, others stay green with some bushes, others ships (cows) and an hut or an house. It also depends on how I will make the lower half of the map. My intentions was celts vs. romans (north italy) 3 vs 1 (3 celts vs 1 romans) but romans are not available, so it should be celts vs celts, 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2 (2 groups) or 4 vs 4.


    Yes, I'm seek, lol. I cut all woods to test if there are uncuttable trees and unit paths. The path algorithm is a bit strange, but probably is still under development. This map is different from other maps, except for the canion map, normally units can go everywhere, in this one the mountains are obstacle unvalicables, There are valleys inside them where units can walk and it works at 99%, sometimes units stucks for a while. The uncattable trees slow down the game if there are units attempting to cut them (and I have a not so recent machine).

    Well, next post I will pick other screenshots with trees and some more closed views to details.

  2. I'm working on a map about alps, woods and lakes, the map is detailed (and too big), it should be woody, a lot woody, but I guess too much vegetation lower performances and there is few space for battles. I made some villages to have open spaces, but if I add them as 'gaia' the units pass through the buildings. The map was copied from Acropolis (if I remember), it's very big and I remake it only a small portion. Anyone have suggestions?

    Following are two screenshots of some places, the first is near an map edge (edge, its circular) theres a civil center (alternative) with few units and trees only on the background. The second is taken standing in the middle of the map (circa) looking at the civil center of the first screenshot (trees was cutted down).



  3. Hi to all, I am new to 0AD and its community. I have created a new map in svn sources path, all was fine but today. I updated the svn sources (without launching compilation), an runtime error occurred in some js file. I continued in atlas editor and loaded my map, many errors come out about don't remember what, but all objects I was added disappeared, only few objects of the old map are at their place. After this I built the sources, an error occurred.

    I ignored the errors, edited and saved the map with old binaries and loosed all the new objects I added, this is not a problem, the objects was there to test proportions (almost trees and bushes), but I cannot test the map with units (pathfinders).

    Now, I can continue to edit the map for terraforming (still 5/8 to do), surely in about few days this problem will be fixed. I'm thinking to make a copy of a stable svn compilation, I currently working on this map from about one month (a couple of hours a day and not every day, more or less).

    My question is: It could be happen that after an successful update/build/copy some objects will disappear from the map, due to refactoring/renaming or something else? If yes, is there a way to prevent this, or at least a lane to follow?

    This game is in deep development state, I am prepared for the eventuality of loosing something.

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