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Major Blunder

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Posts posted by Major Blunder

  1. Loving the new alpha so far, but I do have a large problem. I am running 0 A.D. on Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity, using AMD Catalyst 11.5 on a dual graphics notebook. Whenever I try to close 0 AD or go into windowed mode, the screen becomes a mess of artefacts and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to be able to do anything again. However, I can tell things are still working behind the artefacts since the cursor changes and I can drag things around. Any ideas why this might be happening? This is on Alpha 5.

  2. This is an interesting one, when emesene notifies me of something, say someone logging in, the screen flashes ingame and the cursor resets to the middle of the screen. This is pretty annoying, especially when you're trying to select units. This is with 0 A.D. in full screen.

    Ubuntu 11.04 using Unity.

    ATI Catalyst 11.5

    Emesene 2.11.4

    Any other details needed, let me know. :)

  3. Hey there, I've known about 0 A.D. for a while, but never really got around to installing it until a friend of mine, Jubalbarca convinced me to play it. We managed to get multiplayer working and had a good game together.

    As for me, British teenager on a gap year, a keen web developer and sometimes a modder, though not very often these days. Also Technical admin of Exilian, Jubal's place on the web.

    Nice to meet you all in advance. :)

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