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Posts posted by Antisback

  1. About the square shaped heads, I believe i can answer that, correct me if I'm wrong.

    This screenshot was taken a higher zoom than normal gameplay I believe? So the square heads would be not as obvious. You may ask why not just do cirle heads, a cirle when drawn on a computer is a not a single surface but a collection of many surfaces, where as a triange/ square shape creates alot less surface's for the computer to draw. So the triange shaped heads create alot less lagg than circle heads. An thus lower the minimum requirements.

    As I say, I'm not working on this project so I don't know but thats what ES did with AOM and then they made separate models for cinematic.

    But correct me if I'm wrong anyway

  2. I wish this project all the best, and a suggestion for cheezy

    You might even be able to add a side function in the editor that will compile the mods for you, ie. you enter name attack etc and you import the textures and model and its compiled into a "unit file" or something like that and the editor function attaches the "unit file" into the scn.

    This will make mods on multiplayer sceanrios possible and will make modding on single player scenarios alot more easier for both the designer and the player.

    I spoke to dnas about it he says its possible...

    All The Best

    - Antisback

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