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Posts posted by joystner

  1. I'd like to see a little bigger fields on default plus an option to extend it's size by multiplication. Farms shouldn't run out of food like they do in most games. Making them cost wood is very unrealistic, they should require something like manpower care by which i mean some folks who need to be assigned to farms permanently.

  2. I took a look on the game once more and think, that fields could be larger or with custom size, also with random crops (if not selectable :)). Oh, and please make fields to be built with no wood required or at least very minor amount. I know that it seems to be balance issue generator (exploit), but can by avoided by making its production a bit harder (longer) and setting its prize much lower.

  3. Yes, this would be too limiting and IRL not always necessary. However the fact is that water is still needed for any kind of existence, so wells, irrigations are fine and should be necessary for entire economy, not only agriculture.

    You could make it only possible to build a city near a water spot.

    Of course I don't like absurds like one man building well in the middle of desert, without any water or anything with him and if You mean something like that, I am with.

  4. Surely I remember it's an alfa release and as I wrote before very good working alfa.

    My intention was just to share my point of view, which I believe could be somehow helpful :)

    I like this "phases" concept (sorry, but had no time to read forum yet), it will definitely give much fun of development.

    BTW, It would be nice if there was possibility to store resources oustide buildings, just on the ground, but this would give some "decrease" penalty (like stealing, material usability period especially for food and wood). Oh, and another feature - what about possibility of stealing enemy technologies. This would allow to research techs form another civilization, although would be quite expensive and difficult option (stealing same civilization's technology would cause your own cost reduction).

    Here is my greatest wish - POWs. Well I've never really seen such thing in RTS, games maybe except one. IRL there was almost no "fight to the end" battles. If one side saw there is no chance to win, they decided to surrender and go to captivity or try to escape if they could.

    This would also create many possibilities like captives exchange or trade, force them to work, use for blackmail, etc. The propensity to surrender would depend on policy/technologies/difficulty level/losses/other.

  5. Hi, I've read about this game yesterday and seeing some screenshots , I decided to give it a try.

    Well my first impression was - is it really pre(!) alfa ? I'd rather thought it's an early beta release.

    Anyway the game looks very nice and promising. The concept is similar to AoE (3) indeed with some things from EE/other. Although the project is very impressive, I see it lacks any visible uniquness, except objects size proportions, which are almost realistic :).

    Since it's very difficult to introduce innovative features in today's RTS games, there is no need to search for new features that were never before in any game. However it's not so hard to make some kind of unique mix of features IMO. I think, that this game has huge potential and could easily become one of the best RTS games ever made.

    I've got some ideas, many of them probably discussed, how to improve it.

    In general there are features from game series like: Anno, Caesar, Empire Earth, Settlers, Stronghold, Warcraft.

    - add more buildings (economic like warehouses, smeltings; military like arsenals; administration residences; bridges, maybe roads too), and make at least houses with some look-like variation.

    - add more resources (like drinking water - Yes!; clothing materials like cotton, wool, leather).

    - allow civil building to be additionally "garrisoned" for better output or other enhancements.

    - introduce some policy sliders which would allow some specialization (like offensive/defensive, faster/stronger, traditional/innovative, etc.).

    - allow units (especially military) gain experience which make them more effective (could be combat modifier).

    There will be probably no ages I suppose, so if this game don't get some serious enhancements it will be quite boring after several hours of playing IMO.

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