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Modding files compiled into scn files?


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I wish this project all the best, and a suggestion for cheezy

You might even be able to add a side function in the editor that will compile the mods for you, ie. you enter name attack etc and you import the textures and model and its compiled into a "unit file" or something like that and the editor function attaches the "unit file" into the scn.

This will make mods on multiplayer sceanrios possible and will make modding on single player scenarios alot more easier for both the designer and the player.

I spoke to dnas about it he says its possible...

All The Best

- Antisback

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That's a good idea, and is actually already part of the design :D. Scenarios and campaigns and mods will all be handled in the same way, as a set of files inside a single distributable .zip file, which are loaded by the game and added onto its standard set of data files. As a designer, you could be creating a new scenario, then decide to create a replacement texture - you just add it into your 'workspace', tell it which texture to replace, and it'll be distributed and used with your scenario whenever someone plays it.

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Hey Antisback, yes thats very good thinking, so good that its already something we already plan to do as philip said :D In order for data or art modifications to take place in a scenario and not conflict with the normal game (overwriting data, aka the old yuck way of modding), all customized data can be setup through our workspace manager in the editor and will be distributed with the scenario. You could add entire new units, customized scripts, new terrains, whatever you want and it'll be packed up and distributed with your scenario so that everyone is on the same page in terms of data when playing it.

Additionally the same system will similarly be used to manage modded content in the game, even patches, or entire other games.

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