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Starcraft2 AI

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Has anyone else followed what DeepMind published w/ regards to Starcraft2 AI (more specifically and if I followed it correctly) - what they did was added a listener to a running game in which case they fire back game state over Protocol Buffers and let either C++ or Python scripts control them.




https://github.com/davechurchill/commandcenter (This would be almost a Petra equivalent using the C++ client)

What I have been studying recently are the build orders (strategies under which the commandcenter runs) because Blizzard also released a ton of replay files, assuming in which case you could parse and analyze.  There are too many maps to study but for a game w/o 3 races + 2 resources I find the entire thing to be (maybe) a less of a challenge than if 0AD had the same AI running backend.  Hooking into Petra's Headquarter in a similar fashion - would that be possible now w/ just JS hooks or does the way Blizzard did it w/ protobuf over the wire make more sense.  I'd love to see 0AD as an AI platform but I can't tell if it's already there or something would need to added.

Thoughts? (I know there were OpenAI / Gym / Universe discussions before but this seems more inline w/ how to get output/input into the game)


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