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Posts posted by FueledByOCHD

  1. Welcome to my post, friends and family of 0ad and Com

    I would like to welcome you into my head, below i will be giving you some of the ideas and planns i have for my mods and some new mods i am planning

    Base Mods



    Tags- Base,Resource, Expand, Mod, optional

    Discription- This mod will aim to give animals the ability to give a resource, this resource will be called cloth, (a mix between furs,skins,hides and a few other things)

    Insparation- ancient/fantasy/nomad mods

    Reasoning- I decided to plan this base mod for a few reason,

    1. is nomads are planned most nomadic people used hides and furs way before they used metals

    2. bored with animals that are not able to be used for food go to waist when you kill them

    3. I came from family that you use/find use for what you kill

    Blood Reward

    Cata- Base

    Tags- Base,Resource, Expand, Mod, optional, non-farm able, Combat, loot

    Discription- The blood reward mod is ment to be used to make combat more welcoming as well as needed to get farther

    Insparation- For people who love online play will make multiplayer games more chalanging and posibly more fun


    1. I am planning using this in a few full feature mods I have planned

    2. I though the idea of this may go good with a full fledged mods as well as add new aspect to the game

    • Like 1
  2. Here i will keep all the mod tools updated there will be a seperate form for requests/bugs

    ​Important information

    WFG will not embrace my modding tools if i keep it closed source

    but I have decided to keep it closed source for now to keep the control

    of the current movement/progress in my own hands, maybe when I complete

    the editor then i will move it to Open Source, but for now my program stays Closed


    Mute Lovestone

    Current Release: git)

    Planned Release:

    Update Plans


    -create form for json/civ files({civ}.json only atm)

    -civ.json creator planned

    -Write File listing file in binary for less size

    -create both json and .civ files using binary(binary for quick loading, json for the game)

    -convert premade json files to the .civ files

    -package and release

    Things completed as of today(4/30/14)

    -ReadMe Gen Added

    -File Listing tool Added

    -(partialy) {civ}.json

    A preview can be found on the Realms-Of-Magic github website


    Current Preview image


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