这个模组最初是2020年秋天在A23上开始做的,是个修改游戏玩法的模组,适应了我作为帝国时代3玩家的一些习惯。模组第一个版本刚做完的时候刚好A24就发布了,于是半年后我又从A25上从头开始做,到现在修修改改大致作出了想要的效果,所以在这里也发一下。因为我是中国人,大致的介绍我会发汉英两部分,英文部分是机翻,请以汉文内容为准。 This mod was originally started on A23 in the fall of 2020. It is a mod that modifies the gameplay and adapts to some of my habits as an Age of Empires 3 player. When the first version of the mod was just finished, A24 was released, so half a year later, I started from scratch on A25, and now the modifications have roughly achiev