Sure, I'll do my best Ok, I saw that the timeframe of Millenium A.D. is from 476 A.D. till 968 A.D. So it means that it comprises 4 periods of Japanese history: 古墳時代 : Kofun-jidai (approx. 300 -552) [A.D.] (maybe too early?) 飛鳥時代 : Asuka-jidai (552-710) Note: Instead of Asuka and Kofun, you can simply say 大和時代 Yamato-jidai (250-710) 奈良時代 : Nara-jidai (710-794) 平安時代 : Heian-jidai (794-1192) note: jidai, basically means era or period in japanese Not sur