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...aaaaaaaaaah I give up.

So, I signed up here because I got clicked on a link on Dnas's message board (http://s3.invisionfree.com/Dnas_Message_Board/index.php?).

One little question-is there some tutorial somewhere that will tell me how to use graphics in a C program that isn't just for Windows? Y'know, I'm a Mac & Linux user and I want to program games.... but I cannot find a decent tutorial on doing so! I already know pointers, structs, etc. so I don't need some "Hello, world!" tutorial.

PS: Hi! I'm new!

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welcome to the forums

when you say graphics, do you mean flashy eyecandy like they have in games or a gui?

if you want eyecandy i suggest you look into OpenGL, there are several tutorials out there on several subjects and techniques. http://www.gamedev.net is a great place to start

if you want a gui kill your hopes, there isnt a _good_ multiplatform library out there (or at least i've never found one and ive looked for a while). do like everyobdy else and write one version for every OS you want to support.

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For cross-platform GUIs I've been using wxWidgets, which works very nicely (in my opinion). Our desire is for all 0 A.D. modding tools to work on Linux, and wx is also nice enough to provide lots of other things for cross-platform applications (file handling, threading, dynamic library loading, HTTP/FTP, etc, most of which I've never wanted but at least it's there), so I like it :)

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Real Name: Carlos Lastnamenotgiveneventhoughifyouweretosearchmeongoogleyouwouldgetabunchofpeople@#$%entme

Interests: Programming (mostly C/C++), annoying people at school by saying that the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42, reading Douglas Adams books, math (favorite: calculus, geometry, and advanced algebra. I HATE NUMBER THORY!!!!)

Age: 12(.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...)

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For cross-platform GUIs I've been using wxWidgets, which works very nicely (in my opinion). Our desire is for all 0 A.D. modding tools to work on Linux, and wx is also nice enough to provide lots of other things for cross-platform applications (file handling, threading, dynamic library loading, HTTP/FTP, etc, most of which I've never wanted but at least it's there), so I like it :)

But why can't there just be some cross-platform standard? (Like using stdio.h for console input/output.) Can't GNU step in and develop something that is a. Fast. b. Easy to use/understand. c. Cross-platform

If only I lived in a universe called "Perfect"... :P

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