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Blender to Atlas


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I've made a map with Blender. Can i import it to Atlas in a easy way?

Maybe i need to add all models separated and then organize all of them to rebuild my map from the scratch ... what do you think about it?


Edited by Friteur
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As far as I know only the Atlas(Map editor) can save in the game's map format.With that as a given there is no easy way you will need to export each model separately as .dae then import them into the games public mod or add them to a custom mod so that they become available within Atlas.BTW there are several tutorials on doing all this in our wiki(the Development link in the web page header).

Enjoy the Choice :)

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16 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Can you export it to a height map? Then you can import the height map into Atlas.

Yes it's conceivable for some parts like border of the map.
I'm going to test this method first, it's probably the better way for me because symetry is important on this map.

16 hours ago, Loki1950 said:

you will need to export each model separately as .dae then import them into the games public mod or add them to a custom mod so that they become available within Atlas.

Ok, then the last models with your method. Textures are keeped when i import .dae in Atlas?


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