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Azerty local.cfg file


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Azerty  local.cfg file


Do somebody has already created an azerty optimized local.cfg file?

Y a t-il quelqu'un qui a créée un fichier local.cfg optimisé pour clavier azerty?







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If somebody need, this one is for azerty macbook pro.

Probably not complet.

reset = "R"                                   ; Reset camera rotation to default.
follow = "F"                                  ; Follow the first unit in the selection
rallypointfocus = unused                      ; Focus the camera on the rally point of the selected building
zoom.in = Plus, Equals, NumPlus               ; Zoom camera in (continuous control)
zoom.out = Minus, NumMinus                    ; Zoom camera out (continuous control)
zoom.wheel.in = WheelUp                       ; Zoom camera in (stepped control)
zoom.wheel.out = WheelDown                    ; Zoom camera out (stepped control)
rotate.up = "Ctrl+UpArrow", "Ctrl+Z"          ; Rotate camera to look upwards
rotate.down = "Ctrl+DownArrow", "Ctrl+S"      ; Rotate camera to look downwards
rotate.cw = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Ctrl+Q", A     ; Rotate camera clockwise around terrain
rotate.ccw = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "Ctrl+D", E   ; Rotate camera anticlockwise around terrain
rotate.wheel.cw = "Shift+WheelUp", MouseX1    ; Rotate camera clockwise around terrain (stepped control)
rotate.wheel.ccw = "Shift+WheelDown", MouseX2 ; Rotate camera anticlockwise around terrain (stepped control)
pan = MouseMiddle                             ; Enable scrolling by moving mouse
left = Q, LeftArrow                           ; Scroll or rotate left
right = D, RightArrow                         ; Scroll or rotate right
up = Z, UpArrow                               ; Scroll or rotate up/forwards
down = S, DownArrow                           ; Scroll or rotate down/backwards
scroll.speed.increase = "Ctrl+Shift+S"        ; Increase scroll speed
scroll.speed.decrease = "Ctrl+Alt+S"          ; Decrease scroll speed
rotate.speed.increase = "Ctrl+Shift+R"        ; Increase rotation speed
rotate.speed.decrease = "Ctrl+Alt+R"          ; Decrease rotation speed
zoom.speed.increase = "Ctrl+Shift+Z"          ; Increase zoom speed
zoom.speed.decrease = "Ctrl+Alt+Z"            ; Decrease zoom speed

[hotkey.session.queueunit]   ; > UNIT TRAINING
1 = "W"            ; add first unit type to queue
2 = "X"            ; add second unit type to queue
3 = "C"            ; add third unit type to queue
4 = "V"            ; add fourth unit type to queue
5 = "B"            ; add fivth unit type to queue
6 = "N"            ; add sixth unit type to queue
7 = Comma          ; add seventh unit type to queue
8 = Semicolon      ; add eighth unit type to queue

add = Shift                  ; Add units to selection
militaryonly = Alt           ; Add only military units to the selection
nonmilitaryonly = "Alt+Y"    ; Add only non-military units to the selection
idleonly = "I"               ; Select only idle units
woundedonly = "O"            ; Select only wounded units
remove = Ctrl                ; Remove units from selection
cancel = Esc                 ; Un-select all units and cancel building placement
idleworker = LeftWin         ; Select next idle worker
idlewarrior = ForwardSlash   ; Select next idle warrior
idleunit = BackSlash         ; Select next idle unit
offscreen = Alt              ; Include offscreen units in selection

0 = "Shift+à"
1 = "Shift+Ampersand"
2 = "Shift+é"
3 = "Shift+DoubleQuote"
4 = "Shift+SingleQuote"
5 = "Shift+LeftParen"
6 = "Shift+§"
7 = "Shift+è"
8 = "Shift+Exclaim"
9 = "Shift+ç"
0 = "Ctrl+à"
1 = "Ctrl+Ampersand"
2 = "Ctrl+é"
3 = "Ctrl+DoubleQuote"
4 = "Ctrl+SingleQuote"
5 = "Ctrl+LeftParen"
6 = "Ctrl+§"
7 = "Ctrl+è"
8 = "Ctrl+Exclaim"
9 = "Ctrl+ç"
0 = à
1 = Ampersand
2 = é
3 = DoubleQuote
4 = SingleQuote
5 = LeftParen
6 = §
7 = è
8 = Exclaim
9 = ç


Edited by Gann
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