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Civ: Germans (Cimbri, Suebians, Goths)


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Current progress!


Design: @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @real_tabasco_sauce

Artwork: @Duileoga and @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @wackyserious and @Lion.Kanzen


(Early) Germans

2nd -- 1st centuries B.C.



Civic Center



Wagon Encampment



(Upgrade) Fortified Encampment






Farmstead, Corral, Storehouse



Barracks, Great Hall (train Champions and Heroes), Stable



Market (needs and new model), Forge



Temple, Arsenal



Walls, Sentry Tower, Defense Tower












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18 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Current progress!


Design: @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @real_tabasco_sauce

Artwork: @Duileoga and @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @wackyserious and @Lion.Kanzen


(Early) Germans

2nd -- 1st centuries B.C.



Civic Center



Wagon Encampment



(Upgrade) Fortified Encampment






Farmstead, Corral, Storehouse



Barracks, Great Hall (train Champions and Heroes), Stable



Market (needs and new model), Forge



Temple, Arsenal



Walls, Sentry Tower, Defense Tower












What about city walls and houses?




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17 hours ago, Ultimate Aurelian said:

I guess this is following the ''battle sanctuary''  concept

The statue might be too late, the equipment (Kite shield, conical helmet with mail aventail) appears to be from the early middle ages. 

Indeed, the statue is just a placeholder. Someone may be modeling a better, more period appropriate statue for us. 

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The figure (fig. 1) was found in a little peat-bog of less than an acre in extent, at Rebild Skovhuse, a cleared valley running into the immense Rold Forest in north Jutland. It was of birch and so rotten that it was only the care with which the farmer had taken it up and the equally careful conservation, which lasted three years, that preserved it for our study. It is 1.05 meters tall, formed of the bole of a young tree and only sketchily shaped on the basis of the original tree-form. The figure is clearly that of a woman, the sexual characteristics being particularly emphasized. The arms are not represented, while the legs, probably formed by a fork, had been broken off before the figure was placed in the bog.

Besides the figure was a large piece of woven material. It was worn and patched, and of four-shaft weave most resembling the Iron Age cloth from Borre­mose. It had perhaps been originally wrapped around the figure. Pollen analysis suggests, with reservations, a dating to the Roman Iron Age.


It has been speculated that the statue was covered in clothing

Tacitus' Germania has an interesting passage regarding the cult of Nerthus, which may hint at  that as well (Or just a cloth covering the chariot?)


None of these tribes have any noteworthy feature, except their common worship of Ertha, or mother-Earth, and their belief that she interposes in human affairs, and visits the nations in her car. In an island of the ocean there is a sacred grove, and within it a consecrated chariot, covered over with a garment. Only one priest is permitted to touch it. He can perceive the presence of the goddess in this sacred recess, and walks by her side with the utmost reverence as she is drawn along by heifers. It is a season of rejoicing, and festivity reigns wherever she deigns to go and be received. They do not go to battle or wear arms; every weapon is under lock; peace and quiet are known and welcomed only at these times, till the goddess, weary of human intercourse, is at length restored by the same priest to her temple. Afterwards the car, the vestments, and, if you like to believe it, the divinity herself, are purified in a secret lake. Slaves perform the rite, who are instantly swallowed up by its waters. Hence arises a mysterious terror and a pious ignorance concerning the nature of that which is seen only by men doomed to die. This branch indeed of the Suevi stretches into the remoter regions of Germany



 Nec quicquam notabile in singulis, nisi quod in commune Nerthum, id est Terram matrem, colunt eamque intervenire rebus hominum, invehi populis arbitrantur. Est in insula Oceani castum nemus, dicatumque in eo vehiculum, veste contectum; attingere uni sacerdoti concessum. Is adesse penetrali deam intellegit vectamque bubus feminis multa cum veneratione prosequitur. Laeti tunc dies, festa loca, quaecumque adventu hospitioque dignatur. Non bella ineunt, non arma sumunt; clausum omne ferrum; pax et quies tunc tantum nota, tunc tantum amata, donec idem sacerdos satiatam conversatione mortalium deam templo reddat. Mox vehiculum et vestes et, si credere velis, numen ipsum secreto lacu abluitur. Servi ministrant, quos statim idem lacus haurit. Arcanus hinc terror sanctaque ignorantia, quid sit illud, quod tantum perituri vident.


Regarding antlers or animal heads on statues, i could not find anything about it.

Antler seem more associated with celtic deities.

In later germanic mythologies most of the gods are human in appearance (Although there are couple depictions of figures with horned headgear).

Edited by Ultimate Aurelian
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On 02/09/2024 at 11:51 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:



The merchant could have an ox cart or horse (Donkeys were not common in Germania;  donkeys were only introduced in Gaul after the Roman conquest).

The slingers could have capes like the other units. 

They may even have used them to carry rocks like the (Germanic?) slingers in the column of Marcus Aurelius (Too much work to animate, but they could just have a cape as a nod to that.)



This is how EB2 portrays them





Some of the units seem to have Celtic Montefortino helmets which might be outdated for the timeframe (They fell out of use before the Gallic Wars.).

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2 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

No one is, as far as I know, currently. But they've also been a desired civ for the A.D. segment of the game. Would be cool to see some concept work for them though. 

I was thinking about doing building concept art for that facción, fortunately i found a forum post with many references. If it is really a desired faction for the game, i will gladly start designing.

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6 horas atrás, Obskiuras disse:

Alguém sabe se há alguém trabalhando na facção Dacian?

@DuileogaE eu tenho um projeto ambicioso, porém só podemos nos dedicar nos nossos tempos livres. Ainda em estágios iniciais, vou te enviar um link no seu chat pessoal. Você pode usá-lo como inspiração para algo assim.    (Estou respondendo em português pois estou no celular e não sou falante de inglês).


Edited by Lopess
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