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Free Build Map - Peaceful Solution


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Hey everyone, I was bored and I wanted to just create a large civilization without the annoyance of an AI bot attacking me every five minutes so I took it upon myself to create a peaceful game mode.

So you start on a bridge in the middle of the map, there's enough resources for you to create a CC anywhere you want and you start with a reasonable amount of people too. You can choose which way you want to go, one side is a large desert type area and the other is a woodland type area. On the desert side is a large body of water which seems to curve around a mountain, this is what blocks the AI from getting to you, it is important to make sure they are set on the correct difficulty, but, this also means, you can set the difficult to medium or higher and still have them attack you, it's personal choice. Below I will have some screenshots, bear in mind this was originally just for me to mess around on so I didn't spend too long making it look amazing, although I think the desert side has a lot more detail, I spent a bit longer on that side.

Peaceful Solution.zip







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