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Late game lag question

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That is a known issue and mentioned in the know issues thread that is pinned on one of the first pages of the forum it is caused by the pathfinder routine that every unit on screen uses to move about so more units on screen the more lag it is being worked on it is not a trivial problem to solve. Try playing on smaller maps with a low population cap to keep the problem manageable BTW if you had searched you would have found that it is one of the most common first questions ;) Welcome to the community if you have any other question do feel free to ask them we don't bite except while playing multi-player games :D

Enjoy the Choice :)

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if you can manage editing files, preferably as a mod to avoid issues, you can double the obstruction radius of the trees by pasting this modified bit from it's parent into template_gaia_flora_tree.xml.


<Unit radius="3.0"/>
</Obstruction>" Minus the quotes of course.

You can also try increasing the drop-off range of the gatherers in hope that they won't get stuck around a dropsite by editing the max distance tag in the template_unit.xml

If you're really desperate and you don't mind funny unit movements you can change the block movement tag in template_unit.xml's obstruction portion to false. This will cause units to all stand right on top of each other, making for an odd show. But they'll no longer have to pathfind around each other, and they won't get stuck at drop-sites ever again.

Edited by chaosislife13
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There's a question tho, is the pathfinder presently set up to check and recheck a given units path on a timer of some sort? was just thinking that other games take shortcuts with theirs, for instance seven kingdoms units only update their planned path when they either hit something, or when they've reached a check point along the path. Essentially they don't ask for directions until they've reached the end of the dead end road in the middle of no where. Players often have to correct the paths of units that need to get out of danger right this instant cuz otherwise, they'll bounce off the guy in front of them recheck the path, and walk right into the line of fire trying to get to the objective. It's a pain, but not so much of a pain as having the game slow to a crawl.

Edited by chaosislife13
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