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So, I don't know if anyone really remembers me, but I used to hang around due to my fascination with the sadly deceased Antiquity project.

That was, what...? 8 years ago? But I'm back and have new ideas.

AoEO wasn't a terrible game, it just had terrible execution. Back a few years ago I was posting ideas for civs for that game but that ship has sunk.

So I figured maybe I'll try my luck here. I can't program and by standards of super historical accuracy, I will sacrifice in the name of fun factor and balance, but I've been thinking up ideas for an empire builder.

The basic premise is that there are 4 Ages: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron and not all civs do it via the Town Center and for the most part it's a game of villagers going to dropsites.

Originally, I thought it'd be fun to center the game around Mesopotamia with Sumerians (Age up through a Farming mechanism, and have a donkey that will take goods to dropsites for the villager,) Assyrians (fairly well rounded, has a focus on Siege and using Shield Bearers,) and Babylon (A defensive civ based around their special unit, the Marduk Holyman: he's pretty much like AoM's pharaoh except he also initiates Aging Up) with Elamites as... uh? What unique gimmick could they possibly have?

Then I thought of ways to expand to other civs around the area, including Persia (foot soldiers have a unique attribute called Immortal Conscript that gives them a second life though their total health tends to be a bit less. This second life resets after a while if the unit stays alive and there's of course cataphracts and elephants,) Phoenicia (has the ability to branch into either Carthage or Achemedian Phoenicia in the Iron Age when Aging Up each possessing different bonuses and even units. Aging Up is done by gathering a threshold of total Wood for each age,) Hittites (Ages Up either by Building a Blacksmith to Reach the Copper Age, or by researching it at said building later on. Has a wide array of strong chariots but no direct mounted units,) and Syrians (a Civ based on trade and camelry. When reaching the Bronze (or possibly Iron) Age, can choose Seleucid or Palmyran, or Romanization for their specific techs, bonuses and units.)

I'm probably just rambling, but I'm liking where 0AD is going since it began so long ago.

I've learned quite a bit about ancient history since then, and it's awesome.

Edited by Usac
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