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Historical Dates in August


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There have been quite a few famous historical anniversaries in August, some having passed already, while others are still to come. These include some of the most famous battles in history, listed below:

August 2, 216 BC - Battle of Cannae

August 4, 70 AD - The Temple is destroyed during the Siege of Jerusalem

August 9, 48 BC - Battle of Pharsalus

August 9, 378 AD - Battle of Adrianople

August 11, 586 BC - First Temple destroyed by Babylonians in Jerusalem

August 11, 480 BC - Battles of Thermopylae and Artemesium

August 12, 490 BC - Battle of Marathon (one of two possible dates)

August 27, 479 BC - Battle of Plataea

August 27, 55 BC - Battle of Deal Beach

Some impressive battles that are sadly neglected by the news and the History Channel in the day to day bustles.

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