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Posts posted by MrEmjeR
hey welcome
I thought: woo Amish brother is also here
welcome to the game!
hey myconid, can i give a try on a tilt-shift shader?
This. That's definitely the fastest way to create complex-shaped, non-animated models like statues, etc. In Blender, you can first get the basic shape by sculpting, then you can apply the Decimate modifier to reduce the poly count and finally tweak the low poly mesh to get exactly what you need.
Yeah it is, but it's probably also the one that requires the most skill and practice
So i advice to go with the poly-editing first and learn the rest when the time is there
its a shame;P
Indeed the inmobilzer and the republic assault ship
You can find tuts everywere, just look around the web.
Google is your friend!
if find this site very intresting
You have to look yourself though. there are expirenced and less experienced tutorials.
I think this one is a simple one:
I've watched all of them. but be sure to also actually Do some of them.
My path in lowpoly hoplite models. Crossing 2 years of experience for sure.
Don't stop! just go on. just try something. you don't like it? try better. Or just go on with another idea, i'm sure you have plenty!
Your model there looks great. makes me think of age of empires 1 ! Just not really sure about the grass beneath it. its to large.
Never give up!
You can scale multiple at the time by just selecting them while holding shift or use the selection box
you can give diffrent objects the same material. instead of clicking on Add New you click on the little sphere left from it and select the same texture
You can put models in groups with [Ctrl] + [G].
and merge objects together with [Ctrl] + [J].
Don't know about the easiest way but what i did here was just poly editing. just like the way you made the temple.
You'll never hear me say making models is easy. You just need patience and practice.
And maybe there is a way to do it with that other program and import it. or possibly blender has a way of his own. but this will give the best results in low-poly.
A few monts ago i had this idea.
So i did the Guard tower of AoM!
I also made the AoM greek towncenter papercraft ready but i haven't build it yet.
if you want, I'll upload the pepakura models so anyone can print it himself.
I was thinking about making my roman quinquireme model in paper but i'm first doing this drumkit:
I guess the particle thing is hardcoded right?
or is it done with scripts? I wanted to mess with it a little.
Effects like Grow and Zhirnk and velocity change over time or sines and cosines would be cool.
Also emmition shape (cube, spehere, cylinder) is i nice one.
The alpha change time. so the can appear suddenly or just smoothly fade in.
I think it's also nice to put a wind constant somewhere in the envoirement editor so there is a single value applyable to all partilces with the <affected by wind> tag or something.
and is it also possible to set models as particles instead of only textures?
Is this gpl or CC or whatever 0ad is?
You should ask rob. I used to know as much as him, then I took an arrow in the knee.
Can I add it to 0ad without overwriting other civs.
Is it downloadble now, I want to add these civs.
"jup" - "only the demo release from last year"
qbot takes tons of mem..
Also will this be added to svn, why not have the east in there someone's making it, the architecture is in the time period about
I don't know yet, but probably not. And we designed the mod to fit in with the other 0ad civs
hey fans, glad to hear you like the mod so much that you want it to be finished.
Well to speak the truth, we are more like in a sort of coma.^^
The mod is still in our minds to be finished, but i don't know if it will be soon or later, but it will be once. i promise!
nice job philip
the catmull fuctions does have some weird glitches at the sharp bends though
thanks guys
I don't really get why it amazes people that blender has the abilities for this work. look at the gallery at the blender homepage. blender is a full, worthy 3D designing program with even a game engine built in. so why does it wonder people?
well anyway thanks for your comment
thanks dudes.
I like the red roof, even it's not really historical acurate. It gives a bit more color to the image.
Sorry bout the big image. I posted this from my smartphone and i only had a large version online. I'll post a smaller one as soon as i'm on a pc.
but what's so special about it being made in blender? i don't see any blender in the video?
<blockquote>A busy day in a bay in Iberia. Iberian merchantships are docking, trying to trade their wares with merchants from the far north and Greece. Fishing ships are unloading their catches or are heading to their favourite fishing spots. A Persian war vessel is sailing along to make a visit to this beautiful city in Iberia.</blockquote>
Click for larger image.
The artists have done a great job recently. Putting up some nice ships and buildings in the game.
This image shows the "entire" Iberian fleet, which only consists of merchant and fishing ships, as well as some new Celtic ships. The recently made Greek merchant vessel is also anchored at the docks.
In the city there are some new buildings to be found, like some new houses, an improved Outpost and a new Market.
For anyone who is wondering: the scaffold is just an eyecandy object, curently not in the game.
yeah thats fine:) btw can you also fix the thumb?
A busy day in a bay in Iberia. Iberian merchantships are docking, trying to trade their wares with merchants from the far north and Greece. Fishing ships are unloading their catches or are heading to their favourite fishing spots. A Persian war vessel is sailing along to bring a visit to this beautiful city in Iberia.
nah i don't think it will. and btw there will be many mods in the feature, why include this particular one??? just because it's the first? than it wouldn't be a mod anymore;)
why we're working on this mod while we're still in the development team is becuase we use this mod to keep our motivation high. you need variation in project to not get bored. *if you're bored with the a project, work on another one, cuz when you get bored of that one you'll get back to the first*
( woo that did sound wise, though it where my own words
(A) )
[Mapping Contest 16] Skirmish Contest
in Announcements
Posted · Edited by MrEmjeR
darn! I am in. So excited! Good thing i have holidays this period!
OH one question, Since this idea comes from the counsel of modding... is modding allowed? Or maybe only certain types of modding, like eyecandy, graphic enchantments or triggers....