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Posts posted by Servo

  1. Ok thanks. Sorry if some of my post needs to be on another thread. Would this mean that my Alienware A17 with 2.5 ghz, i7, two 4gb and 860 Nvdia GeForce can’t handle the modded game like this?  I’m already planning to upgrade this pc to two 8gb of ram (16 gb) and one ssd HD. But I’m wondering that my old Apple with 4gb ram is doing really well on any 0ad mod. Anyhow once I get home I will try the mod on my Apple PCs. 

    Perhaps windows really are not good for this game...

  2. darn my flight was cancelled!

    Well I’m sorry it’s not the pc that shuts down. Just the game and the PC said it’s not responding. My pc used to have a laborious fan until i cleaned up the heat sink and it’s very quite and not heating up even if operating 24 hours. 

    When I play Mil AD it’s on slow speed and the game frequently turned off with an error when I try saving the game or it just quit the current game but doesn’t appear on crash log. It just went back to when you launch the game (windowed mode, becomes bigger with alt-enter). I hope to catch that error by taking pix if there’s any. Actually it’s fine if I was able to save the game before it shuts down as the saved game reloads and continue. Just annoying if you made 1 hour playing and forgot to save before it shuts down. Btw can this auto save like AoE be done too in 0ad?

    With DE my game did not respond when I attempted to save it with around 50 pop each on giant snowy mainland, 2 AIs and me. 

    If this is pc error I can’t confirm until I play the mods on My OSX pc when I come home next week. 

    Whats puzzling is that I’m able to use this windows pc playing MP games and quite doing well. It’s an old Alienware 17 (R1?). 

    The mod with the new factions brings more excitement! The new units of the new factions are just awesome. And the wonders! 

    In fairness I’m excited with DE mechanics and the walled princepitate Rome with archers (I hope there is new Roman archer unit rather than the Syrian). 

    For now I have to check the gate errors though they are not a big concern. The Byzantine is just nice to play. The Anglo Saxons is also very nice but no archers despite having walls. But beware of the hardest AI sieges, they are just gross. In addition the AIs Petra’s seems smart!

  3. K, thanks, I will once I reach Home. . And this time will try on OSX. Seems like my R1 A17 is having problem with capacity. I already disabled a lot of graphics options but still my windows laptop is shutting down from time to time and it happens more often on saving the game. I tried DE and it does one time too. Do we need a very very good graphics system for the mods? Seems like I’m having trouble with some memory in my PC.

    I have 8 gb of ram and 860 GeForce. 

    Btw I’m playing very large to giant with 2 Hardest AI. Our pop is to 300 and the AIs have averaged 250 pop. Would this setting cause the shutting down wrt my pc capacity? 

  4. The gates are closing and opening and the lock button also works. But the enemy units can still pass. 

    I tried looking at atlas and I don’t think it can be fixed there. I thinks it’s about code or programming that enemies or when the gate is locked no one can go through it. 

    Maybe its there but can’t find it. 

  5. MP wise most decent players rely on siege weapons as the main winning strategy while most pros are trying to outsmart opponent using organic units then just use siege if the opponent won’t submit to defeat. It this is the trend then it’s viable to reduce rams speed or reduce the capabilities of every non organic sieges. 

    SP is the worst case with AIs are too quick and very fond of siege weapons. Playing Mil AD and the hardest AI makes between 5-8 rams per massive attack destroying the beauty of your defenses. I play against 2 hardest and it’s quite annoying, the Rams. How much more if it’s against 3!

    With very few good maps for an infinite time game. Added by the AIs making too much offensive towers and forts wherever they can (IMO one of the RTS games annoying mechanics) is the most annoying Petra bot behavior. I think it’s better that these sieges are very powerful and slow but should cost really high! Realistically they are there for breaking the impasse. Rams exclusively for structures with very high damage and catapults for long range with varying degree of capabilities per Civ. 

    • Like 1
  6. Not only food but wood too though it should be much much slower than food. People can’t last living without using wood to cook. Well it’s just a game.

    Stamina or attrition damage could really add gameplay. 0ad or AoE units are really 100% efficient which are not realistic. RoN’s attrition gameplay makes the player to be more cautious, tactical and strategic on military activities. It is annoying only for those who can’t play decent or advanced. Supply wagons just prevent further HP deterioration. Attrition tech is very expensive for good players that they don’t even research it until later when the resources are piling up. Attrition damages don’t deter good players from doing their raids. 


    • Like 2
  7. I’ve been playing the mod and quite enjoying it except that it crashes twice already on my windows 10 pc again(maybe my pc problem again) I had a crash log but not the latest one. 

    Unitwise Byzantine is my favorite (archer/wall civ) except that that it has no hero yet. Structures are decent and pretty wonder. 

    Anglo Saxons have nice units too but no archers. Pretty wonder. Towers are too plain that sentry towers look better. The wall is quite short that makes them not good looking. Also it’s not nice to play against them as the AI keeps on making stables rather than houses. And the makevtgrm really lots!

    Carolingans has Best temple and their wonder is awesome too! I just don’t like their houses (almost same) and walls. 

    I hope the Norse is complete and be more competitive against other civs. Right now it’s just hard to play them as they don’t have cav hunters. 

    • Like 1
  8. It’s nice to try this mod again but I’m wondering why this mod and mil AD are not or can’t be combined. I think the mechanics are the same and its easier and more fun to try the new Civs pitted against each other. 

    I played this mod before and it’s quite fun to play the Zapotecs. I hope this time Xiongnu is complete and be more fun to play against. 

  9. Errors just show up but on my SP games it doesn’t matter as it is still playable and I’m having fun. For MP games if the errors will affect the mechanics then it needs fixing.

    The look out towers seem missing from build menu.

    IMO for SP games or maybe MP games the promotion of CS units from elite to champ and to hero should be slower or very very slow. In my games since I play to infinity I might end up having majority of the units to be heroes. And I’m not sure if I will end up more than 100 heroes and it will fill up the hero panel. 


    Is there a file (readme or something) to know what type of hero or Champ any CS unit from any Civ could be promoted? Are they promoted randomly?



  10. Not caused by fgod mod coz I don’t use fgod for SP this time. 

    There were errors from time to time too but can’t catch it to take pix. 

    Still playable and having fun with the mod. Though I have to regulate my game so I won’t end up having all CS soldiers become heroes. Add to the fact that I played with 13 relics the hero and relic slots might be filled out and who knows what will happen ;) .

    At some point lately the resign button works!

    Also the wololo still works (can build some structures using captured units) but was surprised a Briton unit can build an Italian embassy. Seems like any structure buildable by the wololo unit can be done if it is allowed by that captured unit but not allowed by the Civ the human player used.

    Also the Seleucid archer unit was promoted to champ (kushite) and surprisingly not the Greek one. 

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