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Posts posted by fatherbushido

  1. Quote

    In the final battle outside the Lichchavi capital of Vaisali, Ajatshatru is said to have deployed catapults called Maha-sila-kantak (great stone thrower). The Jain texts also describe an interesting war-machine called Rath-musala, a horse-less chariot with attached rods that had a self-propelling mechanism, which enabled it to carry havoc deep into the enemy ranks.


    (not checked source)

  2. In https://www.ancient.eu/Magadha_Kingdom/


    The battle with the Lichchhavi republic was a long-drawn out affair, and we have descriptions of some of the military innovations that Ajatashatru implemented: one was a catapult that could throw heavy stones a great distance (mahashilakantaka),

    Though I have no clue (I didn't read the page) if we are in pure history or in myst and litteracy (I found some stuff about lightning bolts weapons :p)

     There is a player called hunt from India in the lobby, perhaps can we ask more about: mahashilakantaka

    • Like 1
  3. We can perhaps find some info in Indika, Megasthenes fragments (really interesting by itself)



    This also consists of six divisions, with five members to each. One division is appointed to cooperate with the admiral of the fleet, another with the superintendent of the bullock-trains which are used for transporting engines of war, food for the soldiers, provender for the cattle, and other military requisites.


  4. r18024 introduced those things. It was more or less decided that (according to the balance at that time) Macedonians had already enough structure so they don't get the hellenic (royal but not Royal) stoa, that Athenians will get 2 of them and Spartans will get the 3 kind.

    r18562 commit message: "prevents training of unexpected units in buildings introduced in r18024, lets mace trains 2 mercs in captured stoa or in their own stoa for scenario map, fixes #4011."

    edit: I don't say that it is the ideal thing.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. Arthaśāstra writen under Chanakya is an interesting reading


    Book II




    THE Superintendent of the Armoury shall employ experienced workmen of tried ability to manufacture in a given time and for fixed wages wheels, weapons, mail armour, and other accessory instruments for use in battles, in the construction or defence of forts, or in destroying the cities or strongholds of enemies.

    All these weapons and instruments shall be kept in places suitably prepared for them. They shall not only be frequently dusted and transferred from one place to another, but also be exposed to the sun. Such weapons as are likely to be affected by heat and vapour (úshmopasneha) and to be eaten by worms shall be kept in safe localities. They shall also be examined now and then with reference to the class to which they belong, their forms, their characteristics, their size, their source, their value, and their total quantity.

    Sarvatobhadra, jamadagnya, bahumukha, visvásagháti, samgháti, yánaka, parjanyaka, ardhabáhu, and úrdhvabáhu are immoveable machines (sthirayantrám).

    Pánchálika, devadanda, súkarika, musala, yashti, hastiváraka, tálavrinta, mudgara, gada, spriktala, kuddála, ásphátima, audhghátima, sataghni, trisúla, and chakra are moveable machines.





    Of the first floor, five parts (are to be taken) for the formation of a hall (sálá), a well, and a boundary-house; two-tenths of it for the formation of two platforms opposite to each other (pratimanchau); an upper storey twice as high as its width; carvings of images; an upper-most storey, half or three-fourths as broad as the first floor; side walls built of bricks; on the left side, a staircase circumambulating from left to right; on the right, a secret staircase hidden in the wall; a top-support of ornamental arches (toranasirah) projecting as far as two hastas; two door-panels, (each) occupying three-fourths of the space; two and two cross-bars (parigha, to fasten the door); an iron-bolt (indrakila) as long as an aratni (24 angulas); a boundary gate (ánidváram) five hastas in width; four beams to shut the door against elephants; and turrets (hastinakha) (outside the rampart) raised up to the height of the face of a man, removable or irremovable, or made of earth in places devoid of water.


    • Like 1
  6. In "With Arrow, Sword, And Spear - A History of Warfare in the Ancient World" of Bradford:


    Elephant was used against elephant, but in the melee an elephant would trample and crush anything that got in its way.

    Nothing else really relevant in the Mauryans section.

  7. It was mainly thought around 2012-05-16 that Mauryans wouldn't get siege engine (in fact, elephants would be their siege engines).

    It seems that it can be reconsidered now.

    3 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Mauryans were acquainted with siege technology at the time. There's no reason to not give them a catapult.

    Do we think of that kind of things?


    (hindi version of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajatashatru)

    That person cite also (without refs) many such weapons:


    I will try to find refs in my ancient warfare books.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 hours ago, LordGood said:

    I would defer cavalry stables to phase 2, but I don't want different civs to have different paths to the same units. That's what makes balancing hell. The effectiveness and availability of different options once all the prerequisites are met are what are going to set these civs apart. In that spirit, it may be wise to add champion buildings. I never liked how certain civs got he ability to train champions from their barracks. Should that champion building stay the fortress? maybe. who knows.

    this could also indirectly buff mercenaries if we decide not to have them follow these prereqs, have a civ spend a lot more money for the full experienced sleeve of troop types

    I would like for stables and archery ranges to be prerequisites for ranged and cavalry champions respectively though. Requiring both a stable and range for ranged cavalry should put a good dent in the current camel-cavalry archer rush epidemic we have here now.

    From an abstract point of view,

    Infantry factory Lvl 1, Vehicle factory Lvl1

    Infantry factory Lvl2, Vehicle factory Lvl2

    is a good schema.

    edit: (by lvl1: I mean standard units, by lvl2: I mean super units, in a non 0ad related way)

    Stables and barracks fits well. But as you point out the range doesn't fit very well (for ranged cavalry). I don't know where you would train those ones. Btw Range is for archers or all ranged units?

    edit: I didn't see wow n-5 post

    Advanced buildings for champion units.




    This opens up a lot of options.




    I will do my best to capitalize on them as I move along, but I'm going to do so from a level playing field. That means making sure everyone has everything.


    I (We) trust you! anyway alpha (while it's consistent with the global thing and maintainable).


    phase 2 champions seemed a bit messy to me,

    Agree. (The Stoa thing is inaccurate and messy :/)



    I think the stoa and town champions were added to counteract the earlier prevailing naked fanatic rushes, but i dont know

    They wasn't added for that. (It was the converse in fact)

    r18024 for stoa thing

    r18055 for fanatics

    • Like 2
  9. I found that about the Persian gate (on Wijitmaker deviantart page)


    Persian Fortress

    I copy here the relevant description:


    In the game, this is a fortress where troops can be garrisoned in. This building will likely change as we are not sure we like the blue on the front portion. It was intended to have the look of the famous Gates of Ishtar, but we might save that for the Persian special gates and make the front of the fortress look similiar to how the back looks now. What do you think?


  10. Replacing the block by

            <prop actor="props/structures/decals/dirt_6x6.xml" attachpoint="root"/>
            <prop actor="geology/decal_stone_medit_b.xml" attachpoint="root"/>
            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush"/>
            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush_1"/>
            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush_2"/>
            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush_3"/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush"/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush_1"/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush_2"/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush_3"/>

    is ok for example.

    But perhaps you have to set those minheight and maxheight values.

    (Perhaps what I say is also stupid, I don't know anything at those stuff).

  11. It sounds strange. Validation is validation :P

    Nuking that part (keeping the 3rd one is ok) solves the problem:

            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush" minheight=""/>
            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush_1" minheight=""/>
            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush_2"/>
            <prop actor="props/flora/decals_flowers_daisies.xml" attachpoint="bush_3" minheight=""/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush" maxheight="" minheight=""/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush_1" maxheight="" minheight=""/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush_2" maxheight="" minheight=""/>
            <prop actor="flora/trees/mediterranean_cypress.xml" attachpoint="bush_3" maxheight="" minheight=""/>

    I don't know anything at all that. But minheight and maxheight need a float. Perhaps the matter is here.

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