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Posts posted by fatherbushido

  1. 3 hours ago, fatherbushido said:

    What, you don't want to only do imperials vs imperials game? :-D

    Well I figured out the issue. As a temp workaround you can probably add just the civ requirement in the pair tech (which is close to what nescio suggested above).

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Right, the files are okay, but if I'm playing as another civ and I capture an IMP civic center, then I get that reqs iterative error. It's very very strange and I'm stumped.

    What, you don't want to only do imperials vs imperials game? :-D

    • Haha 1
  3. 10 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Any ideas?

    Does it happens in the version in your github repo?

    edit: ok I checked the repo is up to date.

    edit: Unrelated but I think you can remove the genericName entry in the pair tech.

    edit: I will test it on Fork AD

    edit: @wowgetoffyourcellphone I got it, your files are ok, you won't get the error if you play with imp.

  4. @Philip the Swaggerless It was in the design doc for the "Roman Pre Imperial" civ which was then split in "Republicans" and "Imperials".

    See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Romans_PreImp?version=1





    • Name: Quinctus Fabius Maximus “Cunctator”. – unit design is done, ready to go
    • Class: Hero1.
    • Hacker Armament: Short Sword.
    • Appearance:
    • Garb: Light iron armour; elaborate but functional.
    • Helmet: None.
    • Shield: Medium wooden and leathered slightly rectangular shield.
    • Figure(s): -
    • Mount: Light white slightly armoured horse.
    • History: Dictator for six months during the Second Punic War. Instead of attacking the most powerful Hannibal, he started a very effective war of attrition against him.
    • Garrison: 2.
    • Function: -
    • Special:
    • "Hero" Aura increases the Army’s Fire Rate and Movement Rate (it affects all the soldiers for a range or 10 tiles).






    • Name: Sulla.
    • Class: Hero2.
    • Hacker Armament: Sword (Gladius).
    • Appearance:
    • Garb: Lorica hamata with medals hung over it; elaborate but functional. Iron greaves.
    • Helmet: Attic helmet with feather tufts and medium crest. Soldier on right is reference for any Heroes that use this style of Attic helmet.
    • Shield: Medium wooden and leathered slightly rectangular shield.
    • Figure(s): -
    • Mount: Black horse with metal chanfron.
    • History: Roman general and dictator (137 BC – 78 BC), who never lost a battle. Distinguishing himself during the Jugurthine War, Sulla later fought in the Social War and was given command in the east against king Mithridates VI of Pontus. After the successful outcome of the war, he returned to Italy, crushed his opponents and had himself proclaimed dictator with unlimited powers. Sulla sought to restore the waning might of the Republic and wrote a new constitution, thereafter resigning from power.
    • Garrison: 2.
    • Function: -
    • Special:
    • "Hero" Aura gives +1 attack to all cavalry units and –1 attack to enemy infantry within 10 tiles.







    • Name: Scipio Africanus.
    • Class: Hero3.
    • Hacker Armament: Gladius.
    • Appearance:
    • Garb: Muscled cuirass. Greaves.
    • Helmet: Attic helmet with large crest. Soldier on right is reference for any Heroes that use this style of Attic helmet.
    • Shield: None.
    • Figure(s): -
    • History: He was the first really successful Roman general. His campaigns in Spain and Africa helped to bring Carthage to its knees during the Second Punic War. He defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in 202 BC.
    • Garrison: 1.
    • Function: -
    • Special:
    • "Hero" Aura strongly increases attack and morale of nearby units (6 squares).
    • In case of death of this unit, all the units in a radius of 10 squares will suffer a huge morale decrease and they’ll never recover.






    (file Julius Caesar below for use in Part II; he falls more within Early Empire, in the Marian era; is replaced with Scipio Africanus)

    • Name: Julius Caesar.
    • Class: Hero3.
    • Hacker Armament: Long Sword (Spatha).
    • Appearance:
    • Garb: Muscled cuirass with pteruges (straps that hang from the waist of the cuirass and from the top edge of the shoulders of the cuirass) and Gorgon head over solar plexus with purple ribbon tied around chest; elaborate but functional (similar to Maximus from first battle in Gladiator, minus lorica segmentata strips over shoulders (pauldron), beard and wolf skin). Silver-coloured greaves.
    • Helmet: Attic helmet with large crest. Soldier on right is reference for any Heroes that use this style of Attic helmet.
    • Shield: None.
    • Figure(s): Long purple cloak.
    • Mount: Chestnut horse with elaborate metal chanfron.
    • History: Roman statesman and dictator (102 BC – 44 BC). Making his name as a leader of the populars, Caesar conquered Gaul and defeated Gnay Pompey and his supporters in a civil war. During his brief reign as a dictator, Caesar reformed the calendar, founded new colonies and planned vast building programmes and a military campaign against Parthia. Assassinated by a group of senators led by Brutus and Cassius, he was later deified and his name gradually became a royal title.
    • Garrison: 2.
    • Function: -
    • Special:
    • "Hero" Aura strongly increases attack and morale of nearby units (6 squares).
    • In case of death of this unit, all the units in a radius of 10 squares will suffer a huge morale decrease and they’ll never recover.



    The he disappeared from Republicans and Imperials as he is between




    So we come to the conclusion of @wowgetoffyourcellphone above. See also


    (but that time it was 3 sub civs, now it's 4 ;-))



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    • Haha 1
  5. (from the other topic)

    3 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    I don't think the Stoa units should be champions to be honest. They should just be merc citizen-soldiers. I actually wish they were removed and the stoa used for something else other than just a barracks.

    I kinda agree things should be make clear for those 2-3 stoas units.

    That's perhaps not a good a ref but I really like the book of Duncan Head "Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 BC". It appears to me like a design doc for rts in ancient times.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, wackyserious said:

    This is a thread for the visual rework of the current thureophoroi champion mercenary for the some of the Greek factions.

    - Will you change also ptolemaic mercenaries thureophoroi javelinist?

    - There was not really clear explanation about the thureophoroi, should it be a "champion", a "mercenary" and so on.

  7. 1 hour ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:


    This kind of feature would be useful for male/female variations of units, such as Villagers/Citizens and/or Male and female variants of Scythian units. 

    You want them different from simulation point of view, not only from art point of view, right?

  8. 1 minute ago, Trinketos said:

    I see that they use classes to block which unit can capture a certain entity.
    Is this correct or is posible to make somenting like this? 

    Sure you can use restrictedClasses to tweak it.

    You can see how it works in the Delenda Est mod in action.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Trinketos said:

    How i add a the capture component, or other components? 

    For the capturer (lines 4-9):


    For the capturable (lines 11-15):


    But that's just using the current system which is more design for buildings.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Adrix said:

    Yes I'm working on a submob for Hyrule Conquest; adding a couple of extra factions but struggling for certain mechanics we have in mind. And thanks for the conversion ^^ I will look into that !

    EDIT : If I understand you can set some units to be capturable but not give the ability to convert to specific units ? (like the priest in AoE)

    Nice !

    If you want to use the current system (currently used for buildings and some siege engine):

    Give an Attack/Capture to the capturers and the Capturable component to the other units.

    But it would be perhaps only a temporary solution.

    If you want a proper conversion ability would you prefer something passive or active?

    • Confused 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Adrix said:

    (While I am at it, is there a way to convert ennemy units ? (think wololo)) 

    In alpha23b there is:

    - wololo cheat code

    - you can give Capturable component to that unit

    Else that's not really hard to do (depending of your needs). Here is an old example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHJs81pwtts

  12. 8 minutes ago, Adrix said:

    Hi again ! Here to ask more questions !

    I would like to create a unit that can spawn with either a spear, a sword or a mace, which mean different damage types and different actors (though I suppose it would be possible to create a single actor for all three). Is there a way to do this at the moment ? I didn't succeed in using variant in a template but it might just be stupidity. I thought of creating 4 templates (1 base and 1 for each version) and have a random version be picked when the unit if trained. But I have no idea how to do such a thing either.
    (While I am at it, is there a way to convert ennemy units ? (think wololo)) 

    Do you need that for a mod you are working on?

  13. On 7/21/2019 at 1:54 PM, Thorfinn the Shallow Minded said:

     Ranged units could add arrows, but not contribute much to the loyalty, and melee units would only provide a substantial boost to loyalty

    One of the two points is just template editing. The only annoying point is the micro needed to put the right units in the right place (I guess currently people use the military selection filter)

  14. 7 hours ago, wackyserious said:

    Is it possible to make capture attack as an area of effect and auto-attack? (More like an aura that drains loyalty points)

    This way units will not bother to switch attacks or capture enemy buildings but focus on combat.

    That's already doable with an aura.

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