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Posts posted by gameboy

  1. @Stan` @Angen @vladislavbelov

    When I press the shift + f2 key to take a screenshot during the game, the game crashes.

    Assertion failed: "m_ViewCamera.GetProjectionType() == CCamera::PERSPECTIVE"
    Location: Renderer.cpp:941 (CRenderer::ComputeReflectionCamera)

    Call stack:

    CRenderer::ComputeReflectionCamera (renderer.cpp:941)
        this = (unavailable)
        camera = 0x00CFF0DC -> 
            m_Orientation = 
                _11 = 0.000000 (0x14141414)
                _21 = 1.156863 (0x3F941414)
                _31 = 0.000000 (0x1E0C6064)
                _41 = 0.000000 (0x00CFF0D4)
                _12 = 0.000000 (0x00000020)
                _22 = 0.000000 (0x00280049)
                _32 = 0.000000 (0x00CFF190)
                _42 = 0.000000 (0x2A691CB4)
                _13 = 0.000000 (0x00CFF188)
                _23 = 7167388720223335796892839907950592.000000 (0x77B0B095)
                _33 = 0.000000 (0x00000066)
                _43 = 0.000000 (0x00000020)
                _14 = 0.000000 (0x0A65751C)
                _24 = 0.000000 (0x00EB0000)
                _34 = 0.000000 (0x00000020)
                _44 = 0.000000 (0x0008001B)
                _data = [16] 
                    0.000000 (0x14141414)
                    1.156863 (0x3F941414)
                    0.000000 (0x1E0C6064)
                    0.000000 (0x00CFF0D4)
                    0.000000 (0x00000020)
                    0.000000 (0x00280049)
                    0.000000 (0x00CFF190)
                    0.000000 (0x2A691CB4)
                    0.000000 (0x00CFF188)

    crashlog.txt 1commands.txt 2commands.txt

  2. I tested the latest SVN23445 and I got an error. When I upgraded and occupied the enemy tower, the error appeared

    ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/helpers/Commands.js line 737 TypeError: cmpTechnologyManager is null g_Commands.upgrade@simulation/helpers/Commands.js:737:58 ProcessCommand@simulation/helpers/Commands.js:47:3

    ERROR: Failed to call ProcessCommand() global script function



  3. Today, I tested the latest svn23435, and in single combat, a warning message appears:

    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra: Attack 1 has an inaccessible target with indices 3 1 from units/ptol_support_female_citizen

    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra: Attack 3 has an inaccessible target with indices 3 1 from units/ptol_support_female_citizen

    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra: HugeAttack 4 has an inaccessible target with indices 3 1 from units/ptol_support_female_citizen

    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra: HugeAttack 5 has an inaccessible target with indices 3 1 from units/ptol_support_female_citizen

  4. This bug happens in the map of Mediterranean coast. When I choose the winning condition in the menu, I can achieve miracles. But I don't find any miracles in the game. There were miracles before.

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