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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Why sun? I was thinking of something like "The Cradle of (insert something cool here)", like 'of the World' or 'of the Civilizations' (thought i found this last one too presumptuous).

    its a brainstorming.

    The Cradle of(...) that for most ancient civilizationes, like sumeria, Akkad, and first Civilizations. before Bronze age.

    now the name is focus in The Bronze and Bronze period.

  2. I meant "easy" in a sense that it doesn't require a lot of abilities. But it's "hard" in a sense that it will take very long.

    It's like painting a wall. The only thing you do is putting your brush in the paint and bring it to the walls, so in that sense, it's easy. But it will probably take a long while. And you will always want to make corrections.

    Meanwhile. I've been trying to learn blender. I'm mainly struggling on the texturing now (haven't figured out that part at all). I think, when I know how it works, I can help here and there.

    is a lot a work, that is want to say.
  3. I would like to propose an official name for this series of mods-- 0 A.D. Rise of the Bronze Sun. I chose this because in the Ancient Egyptian language Bronze Sun (ra Hsmn) also means Time or Age of Bronze (Bronze Age) so it has a double meaning. Our logo could be the 0 A.D. logo superimposed on a Bronze Sun. Just an idea though... does anyone else have any thoughts?

    • Dynasties of Sun
    • The Sons of Sun
    • The Warrior of Sun

  4. I think so. Many cities in arid and semi-arid regions prospered because they were located along the trade routes and bazaars were the places to trade those diverse goods. They were the central hub of the city and sold almost anything that could be found along the trade route.

    middle east are a rich cultural people.a bazaar(Grand Market/trade Income building ) may be are a special building than market?
  5. Actually, depending on dialect, there were different words for market. The one you found is from Mandaic, which has had strong Persian influences including the word Bazar (which is of Persian origin)

    you are Iranian, you know how change the Traditions and Buildings Special these, the Market of Middle earstern today are same(almost) of Roman times?
  6. I have been playing around with 0 A.D. for several months and it looks like it will be a great game, and gets better with each alpha release. The one suggestion I have is that it seems like some of the civilizations are in danger of becoming too similar in the way they function and it may be a good idea to add different styles of gameplay. I think this could be achieved without a huge amount of extra effort.

    Personally, I have been wanting to see some Teutonic tribes and I think it might be a good opportunity to diversify gameplay. According to Caesar's description in the Gallic Wars, the Suevi were "the largest and the most warlike nation of all the Germans." He goes on to describe their lack of agriculture, impermanent residences, etc.

    My idea is that the Suevi are mainly infantry (something like the "Naked Fanatics" already found in the game) units that subsist off of hunting and raising livestock (new unit: cows?). If it wouldn't be too difficult to program, instead of civ. centers they have temporary houses that, like the outposts, etc., lose health slowly over time and could be placed anywhere on the map. The gameplay for this particular civ. may seem overly simple but faster unit production times and greater mobility would make them pretty tough to play against, or add an extra challenge as an interloping society while two major civilizations are competing.

    Just a thought... I'm studying programming at the moment and don't have enough coding skills to contribue more than ideas at the moment....

    Anyway, keep up the great work!

    next to add may be are the Ptolemies. Germanic Tribes been added to Second part, not now.
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