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  1. Hello everyone! We are now in Feature Freeze for A27. With the new git workflow, a few things have changed (improved, we hope). The nightly-build tracks the state of A27 and can be used to test the new version. It is generated daily, and you can get it using SVN. Detailed information can be found on the wiki if you try to build the game on Unix, please note that the build process has slightly changed. you need to run first libraries/build-source-libs.sh, then build/workspaces/update-workspaces.sh, then make as usual Mock Release Bundles are also generated daily, from the nightly build. They can be downloaded from our Jenkins build system. Future RCs will be taken directly from here. For now, we have a few bugs to fix, you can find them on the Alpha 27 Milestone of our bugtracker. A higher overview of the release process can be found at [RELEASE PROCESS] Alpha 27 Contrary to previous releases, we are able to use a git branch for preparing the release. Thus, the contribution workflow is not stalled during the process. We are still merging the work of devs and contributors into the repository, for inclusion in the future releases. The preparation of Alpha 27 is made in parallel, and not blocking. That said, most of our energy is dedicated to the release, and you will experience delays in us reviewing contributions. Please make sure no mods are enabled when testing the game. Note that the "spirv" mod for Vulkan shaders is obsolete. The nightly build and bundles already contain the shaders. You can delete all trace of this spirv mod from your computers. It will not be needed anymore. What should I test? Everything What should I report? Not everything. We must fix regressions (stuff that used to work, but doesn't work anymore) and critical issues that would prevent the users from playing. We cannot reasonably fix all the existing bugs in the release. Critical issues include crashes and multiplayer OOS. How to report them is detailed in the ReportingErrors wiki page. With the new daily generation of testable game versions, it is absolutely necessary to check you use the same nightly build (version is displayed in the main menu) without any mods when testing for OOS. Happy testing!
    6 points
  2. I started working on an olive oil mill building using the references provided by @Lion.Kanzen and this is to get a first impression of how it could look like in the end. Any ideas about the general setup of the building? How many wings and roofs and in what directions? I tried to keep it comparable in size but distinguishable from the farmstead, storage and corral.
    6 points
  3. There can also be the concept of progressive resource cost. The cost of the next building depends on the number of buildings currently in place, it augments with that number. That concept is used in Age of Mythology Egyptian monument to gods, it is also used in Age of Empires Online if my memory is correct. This allows for a bonus from the early game that can scale properly in the late game. The Persian ice house could benefit from this as right now it doesn't feel it has a good place in gameplay. But a distance restriction could also work.
    3 points
  4. Yeah, that's essentially our plan. We already have a list of features to teach in each scenario (a couple of pages back in this thread) as well as an idea how to wrap a story around it. That means, at the moment, we're at step two: creating the scenarios - for which we first need maps.
    2 points
  5. I think that having one of the walls match the contour of the roof within the courtyard might make it look better (as per the reference picture). Also, do note that there are some windows on the back of the reference picture that would help to make the back of the building work better. As a final suggestion, having the supporting posts be made of wood I think makes more sense than the stone and ties better with the reference.
    2 points
  6. Would be nice to update the orchard actor too. We could have then the orchard having an aura that gives a small resource trickle to the mill. The mill would have a distance restriction to reduce the spam.
    2 points
  7. Neat. I like having ancillary buildings in the game to liven up the game world. May I suggest the trees be made as prop points?
    2 points
  8. Ginnungagap christmas special 2024 Day 24 Games between - 24.12.2024 - 00:01 UTC and 23:59 UTC - WFG-Lobby-A26 - Host: Everyone Mainland Map settings:
    1 point
  9. This is a feature I'd like to have in the game. The trick is to make even the foundation of a building increase the cost of the next foundation, etc. Rather than relying on the structure's completion before affecting the cost of the next one (else, the player could easily exploit by laying all the foundations first, then constructing). I hack this in DE for the cult statues by making it so you can only build 1 at a time. It's pretty clumsy, but it works okay for a hack.
    1 point
  10. I found something in a souvenir shop in my town.
    1 point
  11. It is basically the same idea of creating a base or colony and defending yourself from some hostile enemy incursion.
    1 point
  12. That is what we are doing, in fact, we are going step by step as we see the technical difficulties. First we are designing the scenario map. Then we will analyze the starting point or places, then enemies then objectives... And from there we will see the historical figures involved.
    1 point
  13. The GREATEST GAME of 0AD Every Played!
    1 point
  14. Especially given that you guys seem to be trying to build a tutorial campaign, I recommend building your scenarios first and then writing your story around them, rather than coming up with story ideas now. It is hard enough to create compelling scenarios that are both entertaining and instructive. Trying to simultaneous line up those features onto a preset sequence of narrative beats is going to be nigh impossible. it will end up as an impenetrable jumble, where your story is constantly being interrupted by tutorial segments, and gameplay consists of a dry sequence of over-scripted set pieces intended to support the tutorials and story but lacking opportunities for organic creativity or challenge. Setting and premise is pretty much all you should have at this point. Save the rest for after the scenarios are in a playable state. Personally I think the best development sequence is tutorial -> gameplay -> tutorial -> story. Basically you start with a general outline of what skills you want to tutorialize, then you build a fun gameplay scenario to test those skills. At that point you finish up the tutorial scripting to work around the dramatic beats of the gameplay scenario. Then and only then do you write your story and characters. The skills you need to teach will inform your protagonist's motivation and the story problems that they will face, and the gameplay will inform their characterization. Starcraft 1's campaigns are a master class in doing this right, particularly the Terran campaign. Its tutorial goals are to teach you to control your units, how to build and defend a base, and finally how to command large armies. Thus we get gameplay and a story about an outnumbered group of refugees fleeing from the Zerg until they join up with an armed rebellion and overthrow on the colonial government. This ludo-narrative dramatic arc is supported by Jim Reynor's characterization: an inexperienced and reluctant leader who is radicalized by the scenario's unwillingness to give him the resources he needs to effectively protect his people, leading him and the player to get in bed with some really questionable characters and do some pretty messed up things to get the power to change that reality. It's a great tragic story arc that perfectly reflects the tutorialized gameplay progression of the campaign.
    1 point
  15. that is what i was looking for Thanks Atrik Hey! I recently used the boosting service from OnlyBoosters, and I have to say, it exceeded my expectations. The whole process was smooth and easy to follow, and the results were incredible. Whether you're looking to level up, improve your stats, or rank up in a game, OnlyBoosters delivers fast and reliable results with https://onlyboosters.gg/. The team is professional, always keeping me informed and ensuring my account was in safe hands. If you're looking for a hassle-free and effective way to boost your performance, I highly recommend OnlyBoosters!
    1 point
  16. Nice work. You might try to add an olive tree to it
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Quite talented. Very good.
    1 point
  19. A petate [peˈtate] is a bedroll used in Central America and Mexico. Its name comes from the Náhuatl word petlatl. The petate is woven from the fibers of the Palm of petate (Leucothrinax morrisii). The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as a bed.[1] Generally petates are woven in quadrangular forms, though not to any exact dimensions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petate Although its use is basically that of a bed, the petate also has other functions. For example, for the Zapotec culture it is an important element of their life cycle. For them, the petate is the place where light is given and where women kneel reverentially to grind corn. It is also the mystical place of dreams, the altar where the bride and groom receive blessings and also serves as a shroud. is a mat made of braided palm fibers. For the ancient inhabitants of Anahuac this object was so valuable that only the rulers could sit on the icpalli, thrones made of mats. https://www.mexicodesconocido.com.mx/el-petate.html The Maya, like other Mesoamerican cultures, developed complex societies with a clear social stratification among them: rulers, priests, artists, warriors, among others. Several of these social groups used elements of their environment to demonstrate their social status. These include jaguar skins, tufts with quetzal feathers, obsidian weapons, jade necklaces and earrings and accessories such as the petate, a symbol of royalty and nobility of the rulers, who were called in the Mayan language Jo'ol póop "The one with the mat or petate". As a product of this Mayan heritage, the town of Nunkiní stands out as the only place that has maintained this millenary art in the weaving of mats called Ki'ichkelem póop "beautiful mat", whose geometric and symmetrical figures are based on using the vigesimal system to count the palm sticks twenty by twenty (junk'al, ka'k'al) and so on to obtain a sumptuary article that was placed as a seat for the rulers. The beauty and the knowledge of a mathematical system applied to the petate or póop, represented an exclusive knowledge of the Mayan artists and today in the state of Campeche there are identity elements of the past that permeate the life of the eternal Maya. The tradition of weaving the petate has been preserved through the carriers of the knowledge, from generation to generation, preserving a symbolic charge. The bearers are women who transmit their knowledge to their daughters, who must be single and not live with a partner. The poop is the leaf of a species of reed from the Petén region, which is cut before the rainy season begins. The leaf is separated from the stem and the material to be used for weaving is set aside, which can have the natural color or be dyed with vegetable dyes. The dyeing process must be done on a full moon night. The fiber is tied into a ball of yarn, smooth side out, and boiled overnight to ensure that it is completely impregnated, since the face of the fiber is repellent to the dye. The mat is woven like a loom, interweaving the fibers and tightening the weave with the fingers. The weaver's foot must be barefoot, since it is used to stretch the fiber at the beginning of weaving. https://primerplanomagazine.mx/2023/05/25/el-kiichkelem-poop-petate-hermoso/
    1 point
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