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  1. @hyperion and @vv221 indeed this problem is solved with 0ad a26-18 and openal 1.24.0-1 (both updated from the extra repository) on Arch Linux. Nice job, 0 A.D. community
    2 points
  2. The current pack/unpack icons are very similar to each other and it makes it difficult to recognize quickly what button does what: The issue is that the buttons contain very similar colors and shapes. Oftentimes when I notice bolts doing something I didn't intend, I try to use these buttons to ensure they are unpacked only to accidentally hit "pack". These are what I proposed for unpack and pack: I think they are much better distinguished, with both very different shapes and colors. Thoughts? On a side note, at some point, I think it would be a good idea to throw out the "cancel" button entirely, since clicking "pack" while unpacking would intuitively cancel the unpacking action.
    1 point
  3. These small details expose pictures as AI generated:
    1 point
  4. I recently saw a fight without community mod, where 80 bhactrian champ cavalry (persia, all upgrades, wtf, cav hero) lost to 120 CS, about 50% spears 50% archers(carth, all upgrades, wtf, hannnibal). BUT: the ponies were slammed into the spears, while archers were untouched. This wouldnt happen in pro games... In the end 80 cav were dead while 50 CS survived. why did this work? Because they dont deal that much dmg. Archers do constant dmg, no walking, no getting stuck. In new community mod, melee deals too much damage. melee cav is really fast and can kill archers first often. The com mod dmg balance made melee cav much too strong in my opinion. Another thing that about melee chamion cav: since their speed difference to ranged is greater now, iberic champs have 0 chance against spear champ cav. that is different in non-comm-mod, where with decent micro they do have a chance. My recommendation: make them slower, take a little damage from them, make them tankier again. (in general, make adjustments to melee dmg buff in comm mod)
    1 point
  5. For their units you could have something like Infantry "Pikeman" (the guys with big spears and square shields) Infantry Axeman Slinger Archer Champion Swordsman Woman citizen Priestess Merchant Fishing ship Merchant Ship Light Ship High Priestess* King* Great Warrior* *We don't know the name of historical Minoan rulers, so heros could be more generic archetypes (the other option would be to use Minos and other character from Greek mythology)
    1 point
  6. No a lot. I would not be surprised if more than 90% of GOG customers were Windows users.
    1 point
  7. This player Irina16 is known to be a troll who joins games and quits randomly. I've had one experience with her where she was on my team in a 4v4 TG, then she said something about armour stats change and just left the game... It turned up that she did a suicidal infantry attack on an enemy and lost a few units. When she is hosting, she terminates the host suddenly if something goes wrong. I would recommend avoiding this user. A very similar player is 2fast4me. He quits even more randomly; you don't even need to attack him. When he hosted a 4v4, he terminated the game at minute 8 and started saying random things in French in the lobby. When he plays in your games, he also says random French words and quit for no reason. I really don't want to denounce people here but these two players are repeated offenders and I think I should warn everyone to not waste your precious time on them.
    1 point
  8. @tuk0z, yes the bug was fixed with https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/commit/bb1910ff4c696502d3d518a0cd36c7bd2795554f, distribution maintainers or anyone building a26 from source can cherry-pick that commit to support >=openal-1.24.0. The next release will include the fix. Bug report for Debian sid https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1087990
    1 point
  9. As chrstgr said, they get slaughtered even when you have a big number's advantage. In some cases where i had a bunch of spears champs from sparta or athen (note that they require special, costly buildings to make compared to champ cav), they merly counter the champ cav. They deal x2.5 but champ cav have x2 hp (when they have the buff hp), it's just not fair counter. Spears should slaughter cavs, not the other way around. They already have mobility they can use at their advantage.
    1 point
  10. What if there was a slighlly different 1x1 rating system? A "seasonal" one that resets and you see what's the highest lvl you can achieve, similar to star craft. Unfortunately I know nothing about that side of things. I too wish it were bigger, more 1x1s and people to test out my mod that is built on top of com mod, trying to go back to a23 al ittle with a little bit more uniqueness between civs.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. In other words, we don't want that much attention, but just some? Should 0AD stay a hidden jewel? (which it is indeed) The point may be that the smaller the player base, the less contributions we can expect from the community. The entire burden is then placed on the shoulders of a few enthusiasts. (Let me repeat that I am extremely grateful for all that work that went into this beatiful and fascinating game and that I admire your dedication!)
    1 point
  13. One of my friends used to play a lot of Age of Empires and he started searching for an alternative and eventually found this game. Then he introduced it to our friend group. It was basically just word of mouth.
    1 point
  14. As I said, most 0ad problems are caused by handicapping civilisations. If every civ has champion melee cavalry then the problem is solved. There are people who want to play Mauryas Athens and Sparta. These civs shouldn't be removed from the game. Your quest for diversity reduced diversity. Sometimes making the base structure tree the same helps a lot In the past you had complaints about slingers, archers, pikeman, skirmisher cavalry, almost every unit. If you had given every civilisation an archer, a skirmisher/ slinger, the problems wouldn't have existed! Everyone can make that op unit and it wouldn't have been a thing!
    0 points
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