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  1. The current pack/unpack icons are very similar to each other and it makes it difficult to recognize quickly what button does what: The issue is that the buttons contain very similar colors and shapes. Oftentimes when I notice bolts doing something I didn't intend, I try to use these buttons to ensure they are unpacked only to accidentally hit "pack". These are what I proposed for unpack and pack: I think they are much better distinguished, with both very different shapes and colors. Thoughts? On a side note, at some point, I think it would be a good idea to throw out the "cancel" button entirely, since clicking "pack" while unpacking would intuitively cancel the unpacking action.
    5 points
  2. I found this in a movie. The Fall of Roman Empire (1964). I grew up with movies like this. From a very young age I liked these movies that are no longer made.
    2 points
  3. Oh, the hotkey? Yeah, that's indeed be a good idea then, considering the switch from capture to attack as the default action in A27.
    2 points
  4. I would like it if I doublecklicked an upgradable palisade that all upgradable parts are selected and I could mass upgrade them to gates (comparable to sentry towers which can be mass upgraded to stone towers).
    1 point
  5. Foremost, many thanks that you are working on this secondly, you forgot to add where you're working on it which is https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7247 thirdly answering your question, yes I agree with you completely, I do not have much to say to that.
    1 point
  6. We have never played with our own feature, never imposed restrictions, bonuses and rarely technologies. ------ I agree with wow. But we should do experiments with capturing, sometimes it is op. The towers also need to be rebalanced.It never were balanced since the capture mechanic is used.
    1 point
  7. I'm still attack/destroy but the capture points and health were never adjusted to this paradigm.
    1 point
  8. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
    1 point
  9. Yes you can do it with autociv. Add this to your user.cfg to create a hotkey selecting only elite rank units as an example: hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.rank.3 = "[Your hotkey]"
    1 point
  10. Been putting together a historical patch with input from active players (anyway who plays is welcome to give feedback and suggestion and most of the time it will work into a new update.) I wanted to come up with an "ambush" type unit that is hard to be seen... I know vision ranges, but is there a way to set a unit to not be seen until its within x distance of an enemy unit or building?
    1 point
  11. For me it's easy because I've always been a phone/tablet user. When I'm bored I check the forum.
    1 point
  12. I have, but for now its just kinda hit and miss, its hard by myself, and would like more help/opinions. But for example small houses, farmsteads, storehouses have only 10% chance to block fire and the duration is 50% longer than normal. Where as fortress is 100% block so it cant get burned at all, maybe I should make it 90 though? <Resistance> <Entity> <ApplyStatus> <Burning> <Duration>1.5</Duration> <BlockChance>0.1</BlockChance> </Burning> </ApplyStatus> </Entity> </Resistance>
    1 point
  13. That's a feature that no one has implemented yet. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3177
    1 point
  14. I got an icon for it now i just need a better actor
    1 point
  15. I'll admit I was one of the people saying that it should be attack instead of capture. But after the RC (many months ago) I hated attack instead of capture.
    1 point
  16. Tips for fighting in the Desert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jERiDNarohg
    1 point
  17. Buildings may actually be hacked down fairly easily. A pierce armor decrease could be explored tho.
    1 point
  18. Your problem is there. Your thing should be 256x256
    1 point
  19. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
    1 point
  20. Hello again Sorry, I didn't think there was a message limit on this forum. Can I show you an example of sword you nedeed? I can do more complicated things, but it's still difficult for me to understand what exactly is nedeed. Point out errors to me and i will try to correct it. And no, I haven't crated a portfolio anywhere yet, I can only attach examples of what I've been working on last time The style of these projects is different from yours, but I would like to work on something more realistic. nordic_sword3.blend
    1 point
  21. There is no release version of a27, I suppose you mean main branch. If an identical error is printed you either didn't build what you thought you did or didn't run what you built. This exact error message does no longer exist in main. Building a26 at this point from a checkout is non trivial, I suggest to inform the maintainer for the package for your distribution (usually bug report) and if you want to have a go at it yourself use the package build scripts, which have all prior fixes, and the package build tools of your distribution to create an installable package instead. You can't catch a segfault.
    1 point
  22. https://www.gimp.org/news/2024/11/06/gimp-3-0-RC1-released/@Stan`@Alexandermb@wackyserious@Mr.lie@Sundiatanew version of almost stable gimp is released
    1 point
  23. https://www.blender.org/download/releases/4-3/@Stan`@Alexandermb@wackyserious@Mr.lie@Sundiata new version of stable Blender is released.
    1 point
  24. Alright, here it is: https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7189 I decided to place the buttons and text outside of the image to keep a constant brightness difference to the background. Quick showcase:
    1 point
  25. Sure. This would definitely be worth it (assuming we can collect a reasonable number of secondary images). I'll see what I can do.
    1 point
  26. Some experiments conducted in Atlas editor regarding sniping: With no upgrades at all: 18 archers can kill a class_b ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot 11 slingers can kill a class_b ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot Between 19 and 21 archers can kill a class_a ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot 11 slingers can kill a class_a ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot An indefinite number of archers is required to kill a class_e ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot. The number required is huge due to the inaccuracy of the archers - in the most lucky case, 23 would be enough. In less fortunate cases, 35 is required. 13 slingers can kill a class_e ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot. With only archer accuracy upgrade: 18 archers can kill a class_b ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot with certainty; 17 is sufficient for most instances. 19 archers can kill a class_a ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot. Between 23 to 25 archers are required to kill a class_e ranged unit at their maximum firing range in 1 shot.
    1 point
  27. I'm glad to announce that the Tips and Tricks page will be part of Alpha 27! The pull request has been merged this morning. See commit 1792f0d065.
    1 point
  28. Advice for 0ad players, while Borg smashes some cosmic nub.
    1 point
  29. It is not recommended that the corrals of nomads directly produce food trickles, but that the corrals automatically train livestock for free, and herders slaughter livestock. The yurthouse did not provide a population, but served as a resource recycling point and a barracks for training herders and cavalry.
    1 point
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