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Hi everyone! May name is Elena, I'm from Kazakhstan. I've got through the participation guide on the official website, and I still have some concerns about how to join the project... I am excited about 0 A.D. setting and I want to try myself in game artwork development. I have experience with blender and Maya and I have someone to explain me about git if needed. What are my next steps? Should I just go through the manuals here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/#Forartists and grab some task myself? Or should I contact someone and have some task assigned? Looking forward for some guidance, Best regards, Elena3 points
Hi @Kiselena, welcome to the forums! Sure it might need some patience but it's definately possible to contribute, especially since you already have some knowledge. You're free to take on any task you like. Just need to know what your interest are in terms of history, like what civilizations you like and what field of 3D modelling you are familiar with. Since you're from Kazakhstan, if you're interested in central asian civs, maybe these are for you: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/22832-faction-nomads-xiongnu/#comment-337459 https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/20550-civ-scythians/#comment-314106 https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/108392-art-needed-remaining-nomadic-structures/#comment-557439 I've only worked with blender, don't know about maya. Most of the time the process is building a basic mesh, UV unwrapping, texturing, maybe with gimp e.g. I don't have that much experience with the last especially. In case of organic assets (statues, sculptures, animals etc) I had to do some highpoly building, sculpting, LP Retopology, Normal Map Baking, Procedural Materials and Diffuse Baking. How familiar are you with these? I could try to find a task that fits you then. No worries, I had zero experience when I started not that long time ago2 points
DO NOT RUN IT if you have larger replays directory! Your machine will get over busy and all you have running will crash. Script run all in paraler so it cant handle too many directorys = new process...! FORK BOMB - crash your PC. Exhaus memory triggier swap and kills everything2 points
https://www.facebook.com/JFoliveras/posts/pfbid04x9fgGYCbL7ptyaybuNGowtYdZuQT8tDfw5miMrhvsJStcUsDUGKr3GrjnRBzufBl https://x.com/JoanFrancescOl1/status/1775976689169739970 More details and debates there1 point
It does not look like it, the missing files are not LFS files. Moreover the user reports using the nightly build, so there is no need to pull anything. @superserioussam I think that your download of the nightly build is incomplete. In the nightly build folder, right click somewhere and choose "SVN Update". If you get error messages, try a cleanup first: "right click > TortoiseSVN > Clean up...", then check all the boxes, let it finish, then retry "SVN Update". The update process should complete with the message "Completed - At revision: 84" (or a higher number than 84 if you try this in the upcoming days)1 point
That's annoying. I got matplotlib 3.9.2, so quite new (instead of what they wrote). And for me the other way don't work: AttributeError: 'Legend' object has no attribute 'legendHandles' I don't want to include some checks to execute different code for different versions of matplotlib ... So I agree, if you have a similar issue, replace it yourself, sorry (-.-)1 point
Oh, good I aborted after I heard my fans blow up and tested afterwards in a test directory with only 10 replays. This should be fixed but I only tested it in the test directory again. This can be run on only one case with multiprocess = False and a specified path (good for editing/debugging etc.) Can process a part of your database (first 10% in batches) limit number of processes (is set on 4 for now) delete pngs (good to delete all the pngs named sigle) multiprocess = False # you can specify to handle which part of your db you want process. # E.g. test with [0, 10] and if it works in a reasonable time do [10, 100] next. # in percent process_part_database = [0, 10] parallel_processes = 4 path = "2024-11-13_0009/" # for single game delete_pngs = False game_analyzer.py1 point
Yes. But it can still happen when selecting multiple structures at once, e.g. barracks, stable, and fortress. We have to account for the edge cases too, as rare as they might be. What if the space below isn't free?1 point
1 point
Do you have a portfolio somewhere? But yeah basically you could try making lods for props or improving existing ones You should clone the nightly build (this way you don't have to worry about building the game or lfs etc) If you do want to learn git to make your own patch, that's fine as well, else if you make something good I or @wowgetoffyourcellphone will commit it for you. @nifa might have some tips for you on how to get started.1 point
1 point
@ffm2 Very nice scripts, thanks! On the first run of snipe_analyzer_platinum.py, there were some errors due to adding numpy arrays of different datatypes. The lines 220-224 have been fixed for you: def eco_scores(seq): score = np.array(seq['resourcesUsed']['food'], dtype='int64') score += np.array(seq['resourcesUsed']['wood'], dtype='int64') score += np.array(seq['resourcesUsed']['metal'], dtype='int64') score += np.array(seq['resourcesUsed']['stone'], dtype='int64') You need to specify the datatype when converting lists to numpy arrays. Also on line 20, you printed the string 'path' instead of the actual path. Both bugs are fixed in this file below: snipe_analyzer_platinum.py Applying your script on my replays:1 point
1 point
This is a new update. Its a version for single games, that's easier to change, adapt, debug etc.. And one with the multiprocessing. For my Pc it didn't run through all games within my limited patience, so I tested it only in a folder with 10 games. It deletes .png files in the folders where it finds a commands.txt, so if you have stored pngs in your replay folder save them elsewhere. But I assume you might ran the old version and want the updates in the folders. Apart from already discussed command-analysis it features Colors are now in game colors Legend moved outside of the plot If you have a metadata.json of the game also: the eco_score of used resource (instead of gathered resources) units trained over time The attached figures are from the first game of the sanafur games that has also zoomed figures on page 2 in this thread. single_game_analyzer.py1 point
Well, at first i had the docks, but they are quite hard to place consistently and nicely for the stronghold and river placements. At the same time there is enough wood on each starting island that getting a dock is not a problem. After I removed the docks entirely, I think it was a good decision because of pathing and because dock timing is relevant to gameplay. The docks of course are still there for "land grab" because you often want to get ships very fast in that map.1 point
Thanks, really nice! Yep sure, looks better now. Podium would look good too. When you scale the second mesh down for a smaller structure prop, you might try out the decimate modifier, it might be possible to reduce the polycount a bit without having too bad visual effects.1 point
To me, the "native names" (SpecificNames) are just a minor aesthetic feature to placate those who want a little more authenticity and like that kind of thing. Most (English) players, IMHO, will want to see Spartan Hoplite instead of "Hoplítēs Spartiátēs." At least for clarity in the middle of a frantic match.1 point
Foothills, I guess, is pretty easily tested, since you can check it out in the com mod. My 3rd map is just now ready for merging: https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7225 It is an update to migration, with the previous version being renamed to "Land Grab". The big idea for the updated migration is flexibility. This style of map has produced some really awesome games in high level aoe2. With the island splitting teams and players, it is more natural to contest it. Larger islands also mean players can move to take the middle island early or focus on booming or water control and then try to take the middle to win in the long run. The map is quite balanced, with the starting woodlines having very similar total wood count, and each player has good access to fish. in the central island, resources can generate close to the shore, so ships may be used to deny resources. Lastly, the map supports 3 different placement options, which have dramatic consequences for how the map may be played.1 point
"Coast Range" players are placed between a long, crescent shaped mountain range and a long, crescent shaped coastline. The mountain range contains lots of metal and stone while the coastline has plenty of fish. The main body of the map has hunt and some scattered stone and metal, but these are small. The mountain range has lots of metal and stone, but lacks wood. The map also supports three placement options, which provide variety and support a wider range of strategies.1 point
https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7153#issuecomment-103686 Ok, so after seeing a few games on naval maps, I realized that many naval maps and hybrid maps (land and sea, like hyrcanian shores, lake, continent) do not have enough fish to justify making fishing ships. Take as an example Aegean Sea: The bottom two players don't have a single fish accessible, and the top few players only have a handful, with some of those fish being close enough to the shore. In this case, players may only be able to gather 3000 food with an investment of not only as much as 500 wood (dock + boats), but also lots construction and walking time. This is not enough fish to justify making fishing ships and it means naval gameplay is only relevant for controlling passage to the other side. It also means there is rarely any fish to kill with ships, and if there were fishing ships, they would have already gathered most of the accessible fish. Also, if you look at lake, you would see a map that should be pretty enjoyable, but because there are such a small number of fish in the lake, the middle lake is basically just an obstruction unless you use it for transport and siege ships. Here is Aegean sea after adding the fish: I didn't apply the same exact change to all maps. For maps where there was a comically small amount of fish, I added plenty, but for maps like continent, I added just enough to make fishing worthwhile, but not mandatory. Thoughts?1 point
If you want a good but solid intro into some Hun history and culture, try the series from Classical Stuff You Should Know: https://www.classicalstuff.net/ They have a series about Gengis Kahn.1 point