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  1. There is now a patch for multiplayer saved games. It hasn't been reviewed yet because no one is available to do it. [Differential] D4770 Multiplayer saved games (wildfiregames.com)
    3 points
  2. Good morning or aftrnoon; -¿Are you saying that it is possible that we will see the Mayas it in the next alpha?, -If so, when I can, I will dedicate all the efforts I have. Sorry for the inconveniences*
    3 points
  3. @borg- https://trac.wildfiregames.com/log/ps?action=stop_on_copy&mode=stop_on_copy&rev=27385&stop_rev=&limit=100&verbose=on&sfp_email=&sfph_mail=# plenty of Art improvements, seems to be a couple of performance improvements, bug fixes, and @vv221 is working on patches to include community mod content.
    2 points
  4. phase 4, in fact I had a dream of going to phase 4 in my sleep, My army was super awesome in that phase.
    2 points
  5. Yes, they coordinate attacks: They can ask their allies to attack and if they receive such a question (via diplomacy menu) they decide if they join or not. If an AI starts an attack it usually asks its allies for support
    1 point
  6. That was quick, what changes do we have for the next alpha?
    1 point
  7. Coming from a gameplay perspective, I would say a big issue with naval battles (other than their size/pathfinding troubles) is garrisoning for effectiveness. Overall, this makes boats essentially siege towers, which isn't very fun. Also, the firepower of each boat depends on garrisoning which introduces probability into boat fights. Garrisoning individual boats for effectiveness is tedious (made worse by size and pathfinding). After doing this, you then have much less pop to fight with on land. I think ships should be dedicated fighters with garrisoning only used for transportation. They should use unitAI instead of building AI. From here, you can introduce ship classes: light (or scout), medium, siege, and special. Instead of bigger = better, they should have different ranges, speeds, and unit characteristics. Fireships can go in special, along with new additions to this category mentioned above. Some kind of capturing ship would be good, but it should be clear it is for capturing so you can avoid it. I will put together something like this in the community mod after a27 is released, and once those are play tested we could try adding new abilities like ramming, special ships, technologies etc.
    1 point
  8. -Las bonificaciones y tecnologías especiales deben compensar eso.
    1 point
  9. Buenos días o tardes; -Por mi parte yo ya casi terminé con ellos ( igual tengo que hacer algunos iconos ) y @Lopess está incluyendo las actualizaciones . Creo que deberían ser @wowgetoffyourcellphone y @Stan` quienes nos digan que falta para considerar "Finalizada" y "Apta " la facción Lusitana. Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  10. It is very easy to make a separate civ, since it already exists in DE. Mainly because the army and navy of the Principate is very different from the Mid-Republic. It's not just the matter of unlocking a couple new champions or something. The Principate no longer has "citizen-soldiers" in the way depicted in the game. The army composition is different and all of the armor and textures are different. The navy of the Principate no longer used quinqueremes, but light warships called Liburna, analogous to biremes.
    1 point
  11. I could imagine designing imperial Rome as a fourth phase for romans, but I am not sure how badly people want to make a fully separate civ for imperial rome.
    1 point
  12. Why not both? A 4th phase is welcome like in AOE. However, each phase should have a focus. In AOE2, phase 2 was an opportunity to rush before defenses came up, phase 3 was where better offensive units came such as knights but also better defenses like castles so it was difficult to finish off a well defended town, then phase 4 introduced ultimate siege weapons like trebuchets and bombards.
    1 point
  13. The Nomads had iron weapons and iron armor, just like their contemporaries, and light and heavy cavalry. Mayas and Zapotecs didn't have any of that, you're right.
    1 point
  14. After the currently voted Scythians & Xiongnu, in theory another "combo" of two American civs would be nice. It doesn't seem these people did much fighting tho. Zapotecs and maya are good contenders, I don't think we have to only consider civs at their "peak", this is an unnecessary limitation imo. Just because one typically thinks of the maya in later time periods doesn't mean they didn't exist in any significance at 0 A.D. Teotihuacan was apparently founded before 0 a.d. and grew a lot through 250AD, which seems to be a period of urbanization. IDK if this fight is outside the timeframe, but these two cultural centers seem to be as much city-states as greek ones we have in game: https://www.science.org/content/article/astounding-new-finds-suggest-ancient-empire-may-be-hiding-plain-sight However, it is science reporting which tends to be flawed.
    1 point
  15. New discoveries about the organization and magnitude of the preclassic Maya El Mirado -Calakmul Basin : https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ancient-mesoamerica/article/lidar-analyses-in-the-contiguous-miradorcalakmul-karst-basin-guatemala-an-introduction-to-new-perspectives-on-regional-early-maya-socioeconomic-and-political-organization/31075DFA8ADBAA5E7C7320CA6DB93E5E
    1 point
  16. Babylonian Walls could be a cool upgrade. Double wall health, swaps in new actors with blue walls and gates.
    1 point
  17. If you put archers on walls i believe they get additional protection from it. Agree vision obstruction from walls would be nice, but it needs really good code design because walls can be build and destroyed and vision is calculated from every player owned entity so might hurt performance a lot. Also currently there is issue with ai seeing everything by design and there is also unitai code depending on vision of units. To the original topic, with current rate of fire of units in game, checking collision for each arrow is performance nightmare
    1 point
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