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  1. @wraitii I was told you are the expert on this. How would you rank the various auras and technologies in terms of performance cost? Are there any other general "best practices" for modders to maintain good performance? Auras: range, player, global, formation, garrison, garrisonedUnits. Technologies Thank you
    2 points
  2. 1v1 weirdJokes v lorenz11
    2 points
  3. Buenos días o tardes; -Aspecto remodelado para las unidades lencas siguiendo la referencia de @Lion.Kanzen; Unidades lencas (Arquero) Fase 3; (Vista general) (Lancero) fase 3 ; (vista general) Textura rostros lencas fase 3; 1- 2- 3- 4- Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  4. Hi Stacie, yes, I have been working 2 years so far on this map because I have a lot of work responsibilities that take a lot of my time. But on my free time I have been researching ancient history and geography videos in order to recreate the struggles of the Roman Republic, 0 AD Stile, and make the map as possibly close to Central Southern Europe and The Mediterranean as the game editor engine permit me, As a personal hobby. I will be publishing the map here in the forum for anyone that like it, to download it as soon as is finish. The Rise of Rome campaign will require a lot of strategy for any player, as they will have to fight 2 active AL players and a lot of Gaia units from many buffer states that players will encounter while expanding across the map. Capturing strategic ports and cities will be a most to keep expanding. As a Roman player, you will have to fight Samnites and Greeks in the south of Italy and many Gaul tribes in the norther territories of the Italian Peninsula at the start of the game. Rome will have to fight also the Carthaginians in Sicily, Spain and North Africa, so the Siracusans , The Iberians in Spain, Macedonians, Greeks and Spartans, in Greece, Selucides in Anatolia and Palestine, the Ptolemies in Egypt, and lot of Pirates and Mercenaries in North Africa. if the Roman player dare to cross the sea from France to England, he will also fight the Britons. Expect a lot of battles in this map. Lot of sea battles , amphibious attacks, and sieges. This campaign will be a fun experience for all players, new and old alike. It makes take you a few days to finish it. The map Is Gigantic. Players can also modify the map to their own taste, and experiment with new campaigns to play with other players or share with others using this map. I look forward to seeing new modifications made by other map designers to the original one I did. Here is a small preview with some info about some of the locations and factions you will encounter playing 0-AD Rise of Rome. Any Ideas or suggestions are always welcome. Thank you all for your time and attention.
    2 points
  5. https://play0ad.com/0-a-d-empires-ascendant-alpha-26-feature-freeze-update/
    1 point
  6. @Sp00ky in 0ad there are hard counters and soft counters. Hard counters are forcefully implemented by the programmers, making one unit dealing extra damage to another unit type, no matter what, for example, the attack of a spearman is tripled if it's victim is a cavalry unit. The only hard counters that exist in 0AD are spear and pikes against cavalry. Soft counters are one type of unit naturally having an advantage over another type in certain situations. For example, sword cavalry against archers. The sword cavalry received no damage multipliers or bonus of any kind against archers, but their swift walking speed, fast repeating sword damage and high health makes them ideal for destroying groups of archers who have low damage per second and unprotected by melees. But, even though spearman can beat sword cav, the agile archers can snipe them from a long range and retreat when spearman get close, so it can be argued that archers are soft counters for large groups of spearman. Heavy and light infantry are not well distinguished in 0AD ( at least not in A25). There are only 3 categories of units: citizen-infantry, mercenaries and champions. The specific names of entities might be called "Roman heavy swordsman" or "Numidian light cavalry", but what's important is which of the 3 categories it belongs to. Within each category, heavy or light is just an artistic name with no real reflection on the unit's strength. The Seleucid Romanised heavy swordsman has identical stats to a half-naked Mauryan maiden guard.
    1 point
  7. So I have an idea to put forward. And I did a little research prior to ensure this would be historically reasonable, which it seems to be. So the idea is for a Roman unique tech that references the spoils of the Punic Wars and allows them to train a very limited number of war elephants, roughly 5 I am thinking, maybe more if you deem it fit. My brief research brought up their use in the Grecian conquests and the use of captured Carthaginian elephants after the Punic wars, so I think this is reasonable overall
    1 point
  8. I am still not familiarized with 0ad counter systems (are there counters?) but isn't this inneficient? there are units that might soak up a lot of damage from units that are not their counter, and distinguishing between units types is important in terms of microing the army efficiently. I am mostly playing aoe3 as of late and I might be biased because of it's hard counter system, but for example attacking skirmishers with your light cavalry will get your troops wrecked. while attacking them with heavy cavalry will destroy them but attacking heavy infantry will destroy your heavy cavalry. Both heavy, and light inf can be ranged. I guess that in the case of 0ad you could make a difference between heavy infantry (roman legions with throwable pilum) and light infantry (velite, archer, peltast). Perhaps my impression is wrong for 0ad but distinguishing unit types is usually very important in RTS and it often takes precedence before scale and realism.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Buenos días o tardes; -Terminé con las unidades auxiliares; Lencas; 7.Arquero Lenca;----------------------------------------(Nohol B'ate) "Guerrero del sur". 8.Lancero Lenca;-----------------------------------------(Nohol Taj Lom B'ate)" Lancero del sur" (ambas unidades juntas de arquero y lancero) Unidad que aparecería en el editor de escenarios (Porque ya hay demasiadas unidades); Cacique Lenca; Referencias; Mapa de la extensión de la civilización lenca; (preclásico) -Sería interesante hacer un mapa del "Reino Yaruma" en Honduras ... Ciudades y asentamientos lencas preclásicos; -Honduras ; En el "Reino Yaruma"(12) 1. Yarumela (capital) 2. Canquigüe. 3. Tenguaje. 4. Jeto. 5. Palos Blancos. 6. Canje. 7. Chichinguara. 8. Piedras Gordas. 9. Tamblas . 10. Cururú. 11. Tenampúa. 12. La de Vaca. No Yaruma;(5) 1. Los naranjos. 2. Salitrón Viejo. 3. Gualjoquito. 4. Santa Rita. 5. Playa de los Muertos. -El Salvador;(5) 1. Quelepa. 2. La Laguneta. 3. La Florida. 4. Brisas de Jiquilisco. 5. Los llanitos. 6. Loma China. 7. Usulután. Total;22 ciudades y asentamientos. -Si cometí errores pido disculpas y si alguien pudiera aportar ayuda o correcciones se lo agradecería muchísimo Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  11. 80:20 rule 80% of your players are single player 20% of your players are multiplayers It's insinuated that this apparently even holds for Starcraft 2. Fundamentals are super important, such as smooth pathfinding, logical group movement, and unit responsiveness. Players will give up on your game if they are frustrated by the controls. Spectacle is important. It's super fun to do cool things. Age of Mythology had monsters and god powers. Warcraft 3 had spells, heroes, elves, orcs. Starcraft 1&2 have flying units, LASERs, aliens, and mechas. Even the "mundane" Age of Empires series allows you to build cool cities and large armies that clash on the battlefield. A lot of "Spectacle" gets cut because it "imbalances" multiplayer. "When you design for multiplayer first, you inevitably cut the things that should be selling your game." A Great Map/Scenario Editor makes a Great RTS. Dev Tools important. A Great Editor helps Users/Players and Devs create great experiences. User Created content needs to be fostered and supported.
    1 point
  12. Totally in favor of this alien thing. Nice work Lion. Another idea that could be cool: A modern Roman. There are several concepts like this on the web.
    1 point
  13. I like the concept, It reminds me to the stalker unit of the protoss I made the War Machine of the move xd Maybe make my own version of the H. G. Wells war machine
    1 point
  14. 1 point
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