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  1. 4 points
  2. Players shan't be able to set enemies' buildings on fire but should have to do so with their own?
    2 points
  3. I disagree with @BreakfastBurrito_007 and @faction02 that the CS system makes siege units more important. In most RTS games, an idle army is wasted time and is a serious limitation to your chances to win. In 0ad an attack does not need siege units to be effective. Pikemen weren´t well protected so the high armor values doesn´t seems historically correct IMHO. The main protection of a group of pikeman was that undisciplined soldiers don´t want to walk towards a wall of pikes. Personally, I am no fan of adding arson to the game and I prefer the capture mechanic. The capture-delete mechanic is not a great design choice. Maybe instead of deleting buildings, a player should be able to set his own buildings on fire to slowly destroy it instead of instantly deleting them.
    2 points
  4. Soldiers sent to fight will not actually be counted in the labor population. After the game enters a certain stage, soldiers with at least 100 people need to be constantly mobilized and cannot all be put into labor, especially after gaining experience in battle, they labor capacity will decline. The complete destruction of the main force in other games will also bring you into a disaster, because even if your economy is intact, the enemy cannot wait for you to train a new army. Similarly, when you can attack the opponent's CC, you should have an absolute advantage. You have destroyed the opponent's main force and demolished most of his barracks buildings. At this time, there are only 20 swordsmen in the opponent's CC. What can be done? In my opinion, it would be strange if players with 0 A D made it the norm to recklessly attack CC regardless of other threats. If you can't beat the opposing armies and make sure to push the line close enough to the opposing CC, then you should bombard them with catapults.
    2 points
  5. You can give units whatever damage profile you like, arson is just visuals. It's certainly not conceivable that units would carry torches and lighters around, so I see this as a request to replace the somewhat lame capture delete with something more pleasing and setting fires and seeing buildings burn sounds at least great on paper. Blowing buildings into the sky with ultra sonic cannons might also be fun, just that this is hard to argue for in this setting. Edit: fix hard to understand typo.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. We didn't want to scare people too much. ^^
    2 points
  8. Maybe these or the round pattern on cuirasses could be used for Gauls emblem? Since the current round shield is innacurate. Could also have the wheel of Taranis or one of the Gallic coins.
    2 points
  9. In real life too. The ideal is that they become strong with units inside. Stats should increase, it was given to me that these machines protected units to capture walls and destroy buildings. they should was slow unless more men pushed the siege engine. They are very strong bin 0 A D. compared to other strategy games.
    2 points
  10. More related to #941 - [PATCH] Experiment with camera FOV (2/Sep/11) @historic_bruno mentioned the issue that a higher field of view (FOV) causes this behavior. Ticket #941 comment:2 @Ykkrosh (Philip Taylor) recommends: Ticket #941 comment:10 If you keep your current values and reduce the "view.fov" it should fix your issue.
    1 point
  11. no but it is massively important. Siege and eles are a leverage you can use to force enemies to come to your army. Thats why they are rarely effective by themselves.
    1 point
  12. Now this is a good thought. Perhaps destroying your own buildings using delete should take some time. A constant fire damage would work fine, 100 or 200 hp/sec. Maybe in theory, the buildings could be captured and then repaired if you were really quick. I think it satisfies the issues with capture-delete in an elegant and unique fashion.
    1 point
  13. 我觉得北海道岛的领土争端不关中国人什么事,因为中国并没有日本海方向的出海口(虽然法律上中国拥有从图们江出海的权利,然而俄国在图们江出海口处修了一座非常低矮的江桥,导致船舶无法通过),大部分中国公民都是汉人,对于北海道阿依努人这样历史上从未被中国管辖的“蛮夷”是没什么兴趣的,我从未见过中国人声称阿依努人是中国人(如果是开玩笑,中国人或许会说日本是中华文明的徒子徒孙,中国应该把北海道岛之外的和族人当做中国人加以兼并)。 中国在东北亚如果有什么野心,那也只跟俄罗斯有关,也就是收回被帝俄侵吞的“外东北”地区,包括海参崴和库页岛,拿回在日本海方向的出海口,当然因为苏联解体之后中国和俄罗斯已经签订了边界协定,无论民间是何种情绪,国家层面上两国没有领土争端。 如果说中国和日本有什么争议,除却东海的包括钓鱼岛在内的岛屿,中国人关心的是曾经作为中国藩属,二战后被美国将管辖权违法交给日本的琉球,因为琉球人在汉人眼中是向化的,琉球国是文物礼乐之邦,应该恢复独立。(争取民族独立的琉球复国人士在中国获得了很广泛的同情,尤其在他们部分留在琉球本土的人遭受日本警察镇压之后。) 而关于阿依努人,我觉得日本人应该首先反思一直不承认阿依努人地位的问题,日本长期声称自己是单一民族国家,不承认阿依努人是土著。这种对待少数民族的态度肯定是会引起不满的,结合前面的琉球问题,如果和族人对这些土人更加尊重,别国并不会有什么介入的空间。 另外,我很喜欢日本漫画家野田悟创作的《黄金神威》(《ゴールデンカムイ 》),这是一部少见的描绘阿依努文化传统的漫画。
    1 point
  14. Sure. It can be used without issue. In general using the original art to decorate structures or models should be a good initiative.
    1 point
  15. Citizen-Soldiers makes many of the existing features of other games not suited for 0ad. Sieges needs to be able to destroy buildings relatively fast. Whereas in other game keeping some military units idle to protect your sieges is perfectly fine, in 0ad, it has an opportunity cost since every idle citizen-soldiers could instead be collecting resources. For the same reason, having sieges units being effective is quite important in 0ad. A failed attacked in which siege units are all destroyed has a huge economic cost, citizen soldiers could have collected resources for a very long time instead of walking to the enemy, supporting the siege units, walking back to the base. Currently killing a civic center protected by 20 champions swordmen and a good micro using rams is close to impossible, sieges will die much faster than the champions.
    1 point
  16. The greatest value of arson is to reflect the unit's ability to attack cities in a more reasonable form. Age of Empires 2 and Age of Mythology did not have arson, but many units (especially melee units) can still cause huge damage to buildings. In fact, the general arson capability is a means of addressing the current irrational positioning of some units. I have already mentioned the issue of the fire cavalry in another post, and the slinger is more representative. The reason why the current version gives it crush damage is that some people do not want this unit to become useless, not to conform to reality. (Obviously throwing a cobblestone can't cause any substantial damage to the building. There were no glass windows in ancient times, and you couldn't do it if you wanted to smash the glass). The problem is that the pikeman's high armor is unreasonable. This problem has existed for a long time and needs to be solved, whether or not arson is added. Because even if it is not arson, pikeman can also resist more damage from more arrows from CC when capturing buildings, and light infantry will still be quickly killed by arrows from buildings. Capture and arson are no different in this regard, as both are close-range attacks.
    1 point
  17. The system in aoe3 and 4 is primarily to satisfy people who care a lot about realism in the game, it does not add very much gameplay value. As far as designing one for 0ad I would say be careful not to displace the roles of units such as slingers, club men,hyrcanian cavalry, and axemen and firecav. These units take on buildings in unique situations and adding a basic arson capability to most units would render these specialties useless. Another issue is different units resistance to cc arrows. Obviously skirmishers will die in a fraction of the time it takes a pikeman to die from cc arrows. If the arson mechanic is balanced for spearmen, then it will be OP for pikemen who won’t take losses while burning the building.
    1 point
  18. I am one of those who thinks that there must be a ram made with a trunk and men carrying it. That would be fun, there is already such a unit in the Xiongnu faction.
    1 point
  19. On the contrary, this will first increase the status of the stone walls and forts, thus making the siege machinery more necessary. In current battles, players rarely build walls and fortresses, except for the walls given by Iberia at the start. So it's easier and more common to capture buildings with units (which honestly feels awkward to capture buildings and then delete them), or demolish unfortified buildings with rams. And if we make burning buildings more efficient than capturing them, then players will fortify their towns with stone-built fire-resistant fortifications, hindering infantry and cavalry attacks, and siege machines will become Indispensable.
    1 point
  20. Game 1: zxphxr (1245) vs tedour (1400) Game 2: tedour (1411) vs zxphxr (1234) ———— send me ur replays to make videos of: zephyramethyst1@gmail.com
    1 point
  21. my game against fellow 0AD youtuber Kate0AD!!! ———— yekaterina (1570) vs zxphxr (1223) ———— send me ur replays to make videos of: zephyramethyst1@gmail.com
    1 point
  22. Possible Solutions: Make the Gymnasium the Athenian's barracks and move things around. Make the Gymnasium cheaper and stronger in some way. Because originally all of the other champions in the game were trained from the expensive Fortress. The Gymnasium also had a bonus for garrisoning troops inside. This made the Gymnasium a great structure, and added some historical flavor to the Athenians. Since then, there have been many changes to the game, some of which were mistakes, IMHO, like moving champions to the barracks, etc.
    1 point
  23. Can you please add detailed historical references to every building, unit, animal such it was at Age of Empires III at lower unit tab? And add some additional political maps with locations of game civilizations. Something like that:
    1 point
  24. Okay, here an example of how these civs can be developed. Here's the Muscovite Rus' (just a draft). Muscovite Rus' The Grand Duchy of Moscow (or Muscovite Rus’) was a Rus' principality of the Late Middle Ages centered on Moscow, and the predecessor state of the Tsardom of Russia in the early modern period. It was ruled by the Rurik dynasty, who had ruled Rus' since the foundation of Novgorod in 862. Ivan III the Great titled himself as Sovereign and Grand Duke of All Rus'. The Muscovite Rus’ is a great commercial empire, spanning from the Baltic Sea to the Bosphorus. For centuries this land has been territory of passage between the germanic tribes of the north and the hellenic civilizations of the south and a crossroad between East and West. The trading of furs, wood and precious metal is the source of the richnesses of the Russian Grandduchy. For this reason, one of the key buildings of this civilization is the Trading Post, a unique building available at a early phase that can be placed in neutral territory and act as universal dropsite and trading hotspot. It allows a quick expansion into the map, and it can be upgraded as a Civic Center (economic expansion), or as an Army Camp (military expansion). Army The core of the Rus’ army is its light/medium cavalry and ranged units, due to their tradition of hunting wild game in the forests. One of the special units is the scout, a light cavalry unit always followed by 2 hunting dogs that can be used for exploration or early incursion. The infantry is generally very basic and weak, composed mostly by peasants (citizen-soldiers). The élite is composed mostly of mercenaries coming from the north: the Varangians, while the cavalry relies on “Qazaqs” from the Caspian steppe and their military traditions. Economy The Russian civilization has cheap and fast buildings and relies heavily on three resources for its sustainment: food, wood and metal. This makes the civilization very competitive in forest-based maps, but weaker when this crucial resource is lacking. However, due to their trading bonuses they can often trade the underused stone to compensate. The enormous extension of Russian plains allow for an extensive food production: Rus’ farmfields are 25% larger and allow up to 7 farmers to each field. A later technology called “Serfdom”, allows to train “serfs” (slaves), cheap and productive units that can sustain the rest of the army.
    1 point
  25. They can have waifus as heroes
    0 points
  26. Yes, the destructive power of battering rams and elephants to buildings is too high, so that the difference between low-tech weapons and high-tech weapons in siege weapons cannot be reflected, especially battering rams, siege towers and catapults are P3 unlocked. There's another reason, whether it's a CC or a fort, these buildings require too many soldiers to have enough firepower, causing you to think twice about letting the garrison leave the building to attack the battering ram, as this will significantly weaken Building firepower. And the enemy's troops covering the battering ram can in turn eliminate the soldiers you leave the building's protection when the threat of the building's firepower diminishes. It is also very necessary to increase the base firepower of the defensive buildings, to put it mildly, the firepower of CCs, towers and fortresses should be at least doubled without any garrison.
    0 points
  27. @Stan` I am still testing this patch, I will be testing more maps with rivers and sea water to make sure the patch is stable. I will upload more patch test videos.
    0 points
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