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  1. So there are evidences for spearmen, swordsmen, javelineers, light cavalry, heavy cavalry, slingers. The most common symbol for the Lusitanians is the lunula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusitanians#/media/File:Lúnula_lusitana_de_Chão_de_Lamas_(M.A.N._28589)_01.jpg
    2 points
  2. @Lopess @Duileoga Sadly I don't have the time to give advices on a new mini-faction, I just got a new job and I am really busy for the following months. Furthermore I am already helping Europa Barbarorum's team, which is time-consuming. In addition, Spanish is not my mother tongue and I am still learning it. Finally, I don't know enough the Iberian peninsula to rely on memory. So basically I could help mostly by relying on reading, for which I am not in the best position in this context. In the future, I can ask Trarco if he wants to participate here. I can simply remember you that the Iberian peninsula during the iron age is a quite diverse place. - There are non-indo-european cultures, three groups can be schematized: the Iberians, the Palaeo-Basques/Aquitanians, the Turdetani. The latter being heavily influenced by Punic civilization. - A growing Celtic presence, mostly driven by the Celtiberians. Their material culture is heavily spreading among the Vaccaei, the Vettones and the Gallaeci. - Another indo-european remaining presence, associated to the Lusitanians and probably also to the Gallaeci and the Vettones. Either it is an older Celtic culture from the Bronze Age, or a sister branch of the Celtic languages and cultures. They share heavy similarities with the Celts (notably with the worship of Epona, Endovelicus, Lugus) but their language suggests some important differences. The massive difference in the material culture is related to the culture of the castros or castreña: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultura_castreña https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castro_culture You can find a lot of resources on the FB page of Celtiberia I already gave above, but also here in English: https://dc.uwm.edu/ekeltoi/ There is an audio podcast at the end of this table of contents: https://www.despertaferro-ediciones.com/revistas/numero/arqueologia-historia-25-celtiberos/ There are a bunch of books you can find on library genesis: Los pueblos prerromanos de la península Ibérica Los celtiberos Prehistoria y protohistoria de la Península Ibérica There are some academic publication on the Western people of the peninsula: LAS COMUNIDADES DE LA EDAD DEL HIERRO EN EL OCCIDENTE DE LA MESETA “¿Guerreros o bandoleros? Las formas de combate de los pueblos de la Meseta Occidental a partir del armamento de los yacimientos abulenses (ss. V-I a.C.) Finding resources on the Vettones is quite easy: https://www.academia.edu/2981562/Nuestros_ancestros_los_vettones https://www.academia.edu/2053713/Los_Vettones_Arqueología_de_un_pueblo_protohistórico Edit: https://www.facebook.com/TANITdivulgacion/posts/1755140541304108 https://www.facebook.com/TANITdivulgacion
    2 points
  3. Hello fellow members of 0 A.D., I am officially back. I will be planning to do tournaments now team styled (2v2, 3v3) via Challonge aswell. the reason I had to go was because of school and I had a bunch of things pressuring me, right when I was was supposed to come back I had a horrible injury (flipped over a rock while riding a bike) it left my face scared, hard for me to talk, walk, and see from my left eye. By the grace of God I healed up with-in a mere 3 weeks and I have mostly healed after 5 weeks (now). right before I could really start my School had just begun, and this is my last year before I go to boarding school so I had to focus very hard in school to get a 4.0 (for the time being) I now have some set out time in the weekend to play. I just wanted to keep the comunity informed incase they were scared about me.
    1 point
  4. This one has 5 Gaia temples and 2 Gaia lighthouses, each protected by some Gaia combat units. aa2020-7-Latium-2v4_6p.xml aa2020-7-Latium-2v4_6p.pmp https://github.com/andy5995/0ad-maps/tree/trunk/maps/skirmishes
    1 point
  5. Hello @user1baterenema left the game without resigning. Thanks commands.txt
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. https://www.facebook.com/CastilDeGriegos/posts/2249602671745226 https://www.facebook.com/CastilDeGriegos/posts/2249573321748161
    1 point
  8. La mujer como depositaria de la memoria social en la Hispania prerromana https://www.despertaferro-ediciones.com/2020/la-mujer-como-depositaria-de-la-memoria-social-en-la-hispania-prerromana/ Celtíberos cortadores de cabezas https://www.despertaferro-ediciones.com/2019/celtiberos-cortadores-de-cabezas/ Los celtíberos y la guerra https://celtiberiahistorica.es/es/celtiberia/los-celtiberos-y-la-guerra Las saunas castreñas https://www.castrosdeasturias.es/castros/44/41/14/.-las-saunas-castreas Charlas sobre las saunas de la Edad del Hierro en Cedeira https://www.castrosdeasturias.es/noticias/418/charlas-sobre-las-saunas-de-la-edad-del-hierro-en-cedeira La guerra en la Gallaecia antigua: del guerrero tribal al soldado imperial https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/307a/848376274ae3048b2624f8715432fa0c3823.pdf Descubren una “sauna” de la Edad del Hierro casi intacta https://www.historiaespanaymundo.com/secciones/made-in-spain/descubren-sauna-edad-del-hierro-casi-intacta https://www.facebook.com/caminante.de.la.historia.mas.recondita/posts/1778084445648642?__cft__[0]=AZWccRmn4BhWR8CsJwLX2Bn2OS8LQF34xMKgwV1aOhCC_8MBDL9Hg3JIrim5i1fIEkrYNhOg_E-bPxLpqn8mkFuR2bRXT1LWh9kjlm5iuqusII_D53jWAWsZAbSZ4fNqcWltojoHO4gpE_iVqStnGPiPr_4fBnjHsElXqgU3ZwgOgrmtm-yEMyuc54K8xV6VLMA%26__tn__=,O,P-R
    1 point
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