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I have played 0 AD for quite some time now. I want to raise a small suggestion:

Links between walls of teammates

More or less every time I and my cousin fend of the first attacks of our opponents, we will start building some "basic" walls.
We use these walls to channel further attacks and gain an advantage over the enemy. But there will always be this one gap open, just in the middle of our walls.
The only way to close this gap is either:

  • station units (& healers)
  • build the walls along our border to close it up

So I suggest adding the ability to link said walls. However, this should only be possible between teammates set on the same team in the lobby.
It would allow teammates to close this very gap with just a wall. Maybe this wall part can cost 2x to 5x the stone for a normal wall + it should be only available in the "City phase".
(bonus: it would look fantastic)

Please let me know what you think, and maybe a developer could elaborate on whether it's a feature that can be added to the game in the future?



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How come this alliance can collapse?

As from my understanding of the game, when you set the teams whilst being in the lobby & setting it up, the alliance can not collapse during the game.
Please tell me if I'm wrong with this assumption.

Now given the alliance would collapse there are two options I thought of:

  1. Gaia captures it
  2. This "link" would be destroyed/collapsed
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Alliance can collapse in games depending on the diplomacy settings (fixed teams or not)
That said i think the situation where 2 enemy players have linked walls is already possible if a piece of wall is captured by territory but i'm not sure, didn't experience it personally or don't remember.

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2 hours ago, Feldfeld said:

Alliance can collapse in games depending on the diplomacy settings (fixed teams or not)

Yes, I was trying to say this, fixed teams in the diplomacy settings and this suggestion would work, but only with fixed diplomacy of course.

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