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Catalan translation updates

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Hello to you all,

a couple of months ago we joined the translation team that is translating 0AD in Transifex into CAT. We are proud to say that our updates and improvements in the translation of the different archives are currently in disposal to be implemented in the game. 

Could you please help us to implement them to the game interface? We have tried to do so by following the instrucions from the website, but we have been unsuccessful so far.

Many thanks for your advice.

Best regards,

Ambar and Maria

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Hello, when we release Alpha versions, we pull complete enough translations inside the game installer. If you keep up with the pace, that means CAT will be in Alpha 23, good job!

If you want to test your translation in-game, you should play the development version. It contains the latest translations from Transifex, which are pulled in twice a week. Follow these instructions (note that if you are on Windows, you don't even need to compile the game, just start binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe).

Thanks again for the work!

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