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Random Map generator bug.


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I found a file called oos_dump.txt that looked like it could be related to the map fail. It was located in /.config/0ad/logs

The file is 13mb txt file containing 771363 lines. Paste bin crashed when i tried to past the whole file.

So i've pasted some random parts of it. To see if this looks like its related.


No idea if that's relevant or not.

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Okay i'll post a log from an unplayable generated map... base sitting on a hill with no way to get off the hill down to resources. And i'll have a few more goes at trying to recreate the bug. To see if I get the absolutely nothing generated bug happen.

CTerrainTextureManager::RecurseDirectory(art/terrains/): no terrains.xml (or errors while loading) - using parent properties

mainlog html


Interesting log... pretty normal looking.



I was unable to recreate the blank map error. I guess I'll see when it next happens again.

Edited by WellDoneToast
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In general we should log the random map seed. Otherwise it's not really possible to reproduce more specific issues (like start position on a hill without a way down).


You created several maps. To fix this (Start position on hill without a way down) we need to know which map it was.

AFAIK the CTerrainTextureManager message has nothing to do with this (since it's only the texture, not the shape of the ground).

(As said above even than it might be hard to figure out what went wrong since we don't know the random map's seed)

Concerning the empty map: I have never seen such a thing. The main thing to figure out would be on wich map(s) this happens (so if it's a map bug or a generator/library/export/import/load bug)

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