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why i get this?


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when i choose 3 type of units:

Marian leguionarus

* legionarus romanun

canturio legionarus, i gat this units "united", with only one icon, why????

is a design choice??

a bug???

i dont understand you, united? But you mean it's same unit right?

And yeah one it's evolution from other, don't put mind they are eye candy unit. Is design, now if you see a legionary converts into a Elephant unit, that is a bug.

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It's because the SelectionGroupName is set to the same name in the template. So they are grouped on selection.

You can just remove that line in the marian legionnaire if you don't want it.

i don't see it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Entity parent="template_unit_champion_infantry_swordsman">  <Identity>    <Civ>rome</Civ>    <GenericName>Marian Legionaire</GenericName>    <SpecificName>Marian Legionarius</SpecificName>    <History>The Marian Legionnaire.</History>    <Icon>units/rome_champion_legion_marian.png</Icon>	<SelectionGroupName>units/rome_legionnaire_marian</SelectionGroupName>  </Identity>  <Promotion>    <Entity>units/rome_legionnaire_imperial</Entity>    <RequiredXp>150</RequiredXp>  </Promotion>  <UnitMotion>    <WalkSpeed>7.5</WalkSpeed>    <Run>      <Speed>18.0</Speed>    </Run>  </UnitMotion>  <VisualActor>    <Actor>units/romans/champion_unit_3.xml</Actor>  </VisualActor></Entity>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Entity parent="units/rome_legionnaire_imperial">  <Attack>    <Melee>      <Hack>20.0</Hack>    </Melee>    <Charge>      <Hack>40.0</Hack>    </Charge>  </Attack>  <Health>    <Max>140</Max>  </Health>  <Identity>    <Civ>rome</Civ>	<GenericName>Roman Centurion</GenericName>    <SpecificName>Centurio Legionarius</SpecificName>    <History>A Centurio, also known as an "hecatontarch" in Greek sources, was a professional officer of the Roman army after the Marian reforms of 107 BC. A Centurio, a title roughly analogous to a "colonel" or "captain" in modern armies, commanded a century (centuria) of 80 men, but senior Centurios could command whole cohorts or take senior staff roles in their legion. These men were harsh masters of war, serving their entire lives in service of Rome among the legions. With high armor and attack, these professionals are the bulwark of any Imperial Roman army.</History>    <Icon>units/rome_champion_legion_centurio.png</Icon>  </Identity>  <Promotion disable=""/>  <VisualActor>    <Actor>units/romans/imp_rome_champion_1.xml</Actor>  </VisualActor></Entity>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Entity parent="template_unit_champion_infantry_swordsman">  <Identity>    <Civ>rome</Civ>    <GenericName>Marian Legionaire</GenericName>    <SpecificName>Marian Legionarius</SpecificName>    <History>The Marian Legionnaire.</History>    <Icon>units/rome_champion_legion_marian.png</Icon>	<SelectionGroupName>units/rome_legionnaire_marian</SelectionGroupName>  </Identity>  <Promotion>    <Entity>units/rome_legionnaire_imperial</Entity>    <RequiredXp>150</RequiredXp>  </Promotion>  <UnitMotion>    <WalkSpeed>7.5</WalkSpeed>    <Run>      <Speed>18.0</Speed>    </Run>  </UnitMotion>  <VisualActor>    <Actor>units/romans/champion_unit_3.xml</Actor>  </VisualActor></Entity>
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