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Found 4 results

  1. Last match, which I unfortunately did'nt record, one of three Petra Bot AIs (Player 3, my ally) was constantly attacking the bridge in the middle of the map due to some Gaia furniture. I myself could'nt attack it. But in the end, the bridge was free. Despite having had a victory in the match, it was very slowing down the game, because the AI did not attack Player 4. Is there any way to either fix the map or the AI? I consider this as a hint for a potential bug report in Alpha 26.
  2. Hi, I'd like to modify Petra bot to make the first AI house to be built within Civic Center range. I think the code to manage it is in this part in queueplanBuilding, but it seems to have no impact on the game. Here's the code: if (template.hasClass("House") && !alreadyHasHouses) { // try to get some space to place several houses first bestTile = placement.findBestTile(3*radius, obstructions); if (!bestTile.val) bestTile = undefined; } I tried modifying the radius multiplier to 6, 2, even 0.5 but it seems that they always end up building it outside of CC's perimeter, sometimes even at the edge of territory. I tried to find findBestTile code but to no avail. I believe findBestTile prevents any building to be built inside CC's range. Does anyone might know about this findBestTile script? Thank you.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post thins, I've developed a modification to the Petrabot to test my masters thesis project, but I am in desperate need of some more people who can test it by tomorrow (Tuesday 31/05/16). I realize this might have been a bit rushed, but If anyone has the time to run through a few matches of the 0 A.D. today and answer a questionnaire I would really appreciate it. Here's a link to download my modded version of 0 A.D and the Petrabot. as well as a questionnaire and a set of testing instructions. Sorry, this build is Windows only, I didn't have time to develop it cross platform. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fvs289o0zbnfkq2/ZeroAD.zip?dl=0 One again, if you find the time to help me out, I would be extremely appreciative. Please send any questionnaires to 0adMasterThesisTesting@gmail.com.
  4. Hi, I am currently finishing up a project on implementing some emotions in the Petrabot to test a library I've written in C++. However I have run into a problem regarding the data transfer between the Pyrogenesis C++ layer and the mod javascript layer. I apologize for the amount of code in advance, but I am completely stumped as to where the error might be happening. In short, I am trying to convert data contained in a data wrapper class I've made to transfer data from the library. As far as feedback is concerned the data seems to be sent properly without any hiccups as the Javascript end seems to recognize the emotions vector as an object. However, the problem arises when I try to reference the "who" integer as it returns as undefined (this may very well be the case with more of the members of the Emotions wrapper, however I have no evidence that this is the case as of yet). class EmoState { public: class Emotions { public: int who; int strongest; std::vector<const Emote> emotes; Emotions::Emotions(); Emotions::~Emotions(); void SetWho(int s); void SetStrongest(int s); void AddEmotion(const Emote& e); }; int strAt; std::vector<Emotions> emotions; EmoState::EmoState(); EmoState::~EmoState(); void SetStrAt(int s); void AddEmotions(Emotions& e); }; The when the bot requests the data through GetEmoState (below), the C++ architecture fetches the current EmoState (which I've confirmed functions correctly through multiple tests) and tries to convert it for use with the bot. (Though I doubt this script contains the error, I included it to give a complete view of what's happening), static JS::Value GetEmoState(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, int playerid) { ENSURE(pCxPrivate->pCBData); CAIWorker* self = static_cast<CAIWorker*> (pCxPrivate->pCBData); JSContext* cx(self->m_ScriptInterface->GetContext()); JS::RootedValue emoState(cx); const EmoState emoStates = self->ValTest.EmotionalState(playerid); self->m_ScriptInterface->ToJSVal<EmoState>(cx, &emoState, emoStates); return emoState; } The data conversion I wrote to handle the container is as seen below, I suspect that the error lies somewhere in this block of code, however I am not sure what I might have written wrong. template<> void ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<Emote>(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue ret, const Emote& val) { JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue who(cx); JS::RootedValue name(cx); JS::RootedValue intensity(cx); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr, JS::NullPtr(), JS::NullPtr())); if (!obj) { ret.setUndefined(); LOGERROR("Failed to create emote object"); return; } ToJSVal<int>(cx, &who, *val.directedAt); ToJSVal<int>(cx, &name, *val.name); ToJSVal<double>(cx, &intensity, *val.intensity); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "directedAt", who); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "name", name); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "intensity", intensity); ret.setObject(*obj); } template<> void ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<EmoState::Emotions>(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue ret, const EmoState::Emotions& val) { JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue who(cx); JS::RootedValue strongest(cx); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr, JS::NullPtr(), JS::NullPtr())); if (!obj) { ret.setUndefined(); LOGERROR("Failed to create emotions object"); return; } JS::RootedObject em(cx, JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0)); if (!em) { ret.setUndefined(); LOGERROR("Failed to create emotions object"); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < val.emotes.size(); ++i) { JS::RootedValue el(cx); ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<Emote>(cx, &el, val.emotes[i]); JS_SetElement(cx, em, i, el); } JS::RootedValue em2(cx); em2.setObject(*em); ToJSVal<int>(cx, &who, val.who); ToJSVal<int>(cx, &strongest, val.strongest); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "who", who); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "strongest", strongest); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "emotes", em2); ret.setObject(*obj); } template<> void ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<EmoState>(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue ret, const EmoState& val) { JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr, JS::NullPtr(), JS::NullPtr())); if (!obj) { ret.setUndefined(); LOGERROR("Failed to create EmoState object"); return; } JS::RootedValue strAt(cx); ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &strAt, val.strAt); JS::RootedObject em(cx, JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0)); if (!em) { ret.setUndefined(); LOGERROR("Failed to create EmoState object"); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < val.emotions.size(); ++i) { JS::RootedValue el(cx); ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<EmoState::Emotions>(cx, &el, val.emotions[i]); JS_SetElement(cx, em, i, el); } JS::RootedValue em2(cx); em2.setObject(*em); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "strAt", strAt); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "emotions", em2); ret.setObject(*obj); } As mentioned before, the javascript code (as seen below) requests the data, which is then applied to their relevant variables on the javascript end. The specific problem variable in the script is the "eS.who" variable which returns undefined and as such the if statement defaults to else. let emoState = Engine.GetEmoState(PlayerID); let pHF = this.PersonalEmoState.HopeFear; let pJD = this.PersonalEmoState.JoyDistress; let pPS = this.PersonalEmoState.PrideShame; for(let eS in emoState.emotions) { if(eS.who === PlayerID) { this.PersonalEmoState.Strongest = eS.strongest; this.PersonalEmoState.PrideShame = eS.emotes[0].intensity; this.PersonalEmoState.JoyDistress = eS.emotes[1].intensity; this.PersonalEmoState.HopeFear = eS.emotes[2].intensity; this.PersonalEmoState.SatisfactionFearsconfirmed = eS.emotes[3].intensity; this.PersonalEmoState.ReliefDisappointment = eS.emotes[4].intensity; this.PersonalEmoState.GratificationRemorse = eS.emotes[5].intensity; } else { let pGA = m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].GratitudeAnger; m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].Strongest = eS.strongest; m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].AdmirationReproach = eS.emotes[0].intensity; m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].HappyforResentment = eS.emotes[1].intensity; m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].GloatingPity = eS.emotes[2].intensity; m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].GratitudeAnger = eS.emotes[3].intensity; if(gameState.isPlayerAlly(eS.who)) { pJD = (pJD === this.PersonalEmoState.JoyDistress ? 0 : this.PersonalEmoState.JoyDistress); pPS = (pPS === this.PersonalEmoState.PrideShame ? 0 : this.PersonalEmoState.PrideShame); if(pGA !== m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].GratitudeAnger) { pGA = m.EmotionHandler.SocialEmoState[eS.who].GratitudeAnger ? 0 : this.PersonalEmoState.PrideShame; this.Config.personality.cooperative = Math.max(Math.min(1, this.Config.personality.cooperative + ((pGA + pPS + pJD)/3)), 0); } } } } this.StrongestAt = emoState.strAt; Once again, I am very sorry for the long post and mass of code. I hope someone will be able to help me as I believe I can make this a cool update. If my tests of the system are successful I am planning on developing a fully Javascript version of my library, which I'll submit as a fork to the Petrabot for people to play with as they want.
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