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Everything posted by idanwin

  1. I really like the idea, but think it needs a decal. (and variations, but that should be done after everything else)
  2. I think my sister has an account on here as well, not sure though.
  3. I study Lojban (www.lojban.org). .i mi cilre fi lo jbobau
  4. Or we could just disable wonders if there is no victory condition with them in the current game.
  5. I gave the one from the picture a try, I think it's a lot better like that. And credible xD EDIT: I forgot the picture, silly me!
  6. Back already :-) Exactly why I mentioned my doubts about the stability. I thought about leaving out one spike in two at the centre, but I'm kinda a bit afraid it might not get the message through enough. If anyone has ideas, feel free to sketch or make it. I'll give some other stone walls a try tomorrow and let the wooden walls rest until we have some good sketches or references. OMG Helm's Deep would be soooo epic! It (=helm's deep) could probably be done by making the wall segment with the grate separate and giving the bomb unit a ginormous bonus against that segment.
  7. not sure how realistic, but it could do the job as placeholder. As I'm leaving my computer behind tomorrow I was kinda hurried to give you something to work with. It's kinda weird that those spikes are standing on rocks... Maybe I should add some planks to make the structure look stronger? palisade.zip
  8. Using 3d grass models at the border also helps to make the transition smoother, maybe even some shrubs.
  9. I think an urban map would be nice for the movement, mini-map, selection, etc. tutorial. It doesn't matter that there aren't any resources, building space, etc.
  10. I think this is nearly the right gif for the occasion.
  11. I think if we're going to implement (buildable) bridges we should make them simple, i.e. no weight. Drawbridges (a bit like gates) sound interesting, I'm curious as to whether that's feasible. I think we should make bridges high enough so that boats can go under. I always hated how bridges blocked boats in AoE, but this might be difficult for the artwork. Here's my opinions on your points: - There will should be two types of bridges - wood and stone. Ok, I agree - They should be implemented similar to walls, with sections and towers (maybe?) for the stone ones. I agree, that way the stone bridges can also easily be used for docks :-) - When a bridge section with units on it is destroyed, the units drown. Not sure whether 'drown' is the right word here. Let's say we just instakill them for the time being. If someone wants to make drown animations some day in the future that would look amazing, but atm it's overkill. - Wooden bridges have less weight capacity than stone ones (might need a weight property for units now) Nope. Let's keep weight capacity out of it. That's good for building sims, but this is a strategy game. The fact that enemies can destroy bridges is enough. - Stone bridge sections could upgrade to drawbridges to allow ships to pass Like gates (but over water)? Sounds interesting, not sure how feasible (because of the sudden gap), but definitely something to think about. - Bridge sections can be built from ships with units garrisoned aboard, or from adjacent sections or land I'd leave the ship part out. That's going to look weird, and why would you do that??? - Maximum length for wooden bridges is greater than for stone bridges (no typo) I'd have both bridges be only buildable in a straight line and for a certain max length. - Stone bridges will be able to cross a deeper depth than wooden ones Hard for players to see at an instant which one they need to use. I'd leave that out for simplicity. - Bridges needn't be over water agreed - Bridges over land (a canyon, say) will look different from water bridges That means 2x the artwork, not sure that is necessary... we could add some waterlines/algae to the water bridge textures. I'm a cs student and I'm really looking forward to contributing to 0A.D. but I'm afraid that bridges are slightly out of my league for the time being. If no one does it by 2017, I'll do it :-)
  12. For making completely symmetrical maps you may also want to look into scripting, that way you can place entities and textures symmetrically as well.
  13. It's exam time here, might have something to do with that...
  14. Did they leave skeletons on the crosses? Didn't they remove the bodies once they started smelling?
  15. That would be really impressive.
  16. you can do a find and replace on the xml to make all trees gaia
  17. Someone else will make a more modern mod one of these days. It's great to hear that turrets are in. I'm definitely going to give AA placements a try after my exams. Then we can finely get those mustangs down!
  18. What about nomad maps (where you start with just a villager)? You would lose immediately.
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