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Everything posted by LeineX

  1. I used the Visual Studios Installer and modified my existing 2019 version to have the MSVC v140 component via selecting it at Individual Components tab. It does say (Visual Studio 2015 - Windows XP) and The platform toolset is set to v140_xp for all projects. Didn't expect such a quick response so sorry xD
  2. So I'm relatively new to programming and I've come across this game and I wanted to compile and build the game myself using Visual Studios. I have Visual Studios 2019 and I have the 2015 v140_xp so I try building the game and this happens : C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Platforms\Win32\PlatformToolsets\v140_xp\Toolset.targets(36,5): warning MSB8003: Could not find WindowsSdkDir_71A variable from the registry. TargetFrameworkVersion or PlatformToolset may be set to an invalid version number. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(366,5): warning MSB8003: Could not find WindowsSDKDir variable from the registry. TargetFrameworkVersion or PlatformToolset may be set to an invalid version number. main.cpp d:\downloads\0ad-master\source\lib/external_libraries/opengl.h(44): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/gl.h': No such file or directory There's a lot of errors due to the fact that no such file was in the folder. I checked the directories for the gl.h file and i couldnt find it in the folder, i reextracted the whole folder as well to make sure and nothing changed. Hope some help will come my way
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