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Everything posted by Silier

  1. Technically there could be, admins need to sign mods for each alpha, but as current code goes, the image would need to be downloanded together with information about the signature, spliting it may be too much work and even that would mean no pictures for mods with old signature.
  2. We can get images from modio, thats not problem. Problem is some people are raising red flags because modders could do harm with uploading something bad there.
  3. Is it replay of the saved game? Those things do not work if you do not have replay from before the save and don't merge them manually.
  4. I believe this means adding all flags into all structure actors as variants (not only flag of the culture of the structure), probbaly vladislav will not like that (as i know him).
  5. https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/
  6. 1. What mods are you running? 2. What mods is host running? 3. Is it only in their lobby? Rejoining with different name/rating during the match can cause problems as their server will see you as different player.
  7. No. 0ad acts like it is maximum supported and will not adjust gui when more space is available. Minimum supported means something else. Minimum supported would mean, if you have lower resolution you will have problems. Maximum means if you have higher resolution you may have problems. Right now. 1024x768 is only resolution.
  8. What you can do is to remove ai from player slot and use cheat to change between 2 players. That way you can have fighting units and kind of control both of them. Its a bit tedious with switching but doable.
  9. They are slightly different. One is visible garrisoning and one not. Maybe they could be merged. I am not sure about that. @Freagarach
  10. It would be nice if you could create several sticky sections for several categories of bugs. In this case, design errors would not be mixed with critical bugs in one heap https://trac.wildfiregames.com/report/3
  11. 1st, you never said its on mainland. 2nd, the development team is not the same as it was years ago, not everyone knows how certain biomes look like or can guess by picture. 3rd, being there people who could say the biome those may not see this post at all 4th, simply biome may not be enough, maps can have tweaks to it The feedback and bug reports are appreciated, but devs do not scan forum 24/7. They have work and personal life, doing this as hobby but sometimes it feels like torture when the reports read like "you are useless, do this to fix the bug, how you can't see it"
  12. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1269
  13. Can be related: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4154
  14. Hi, You don't really need to generate them when making mod. They are just more efficient version of the file packed into game so engine has easier time reading data. You can even get rid of them and your game will run the same. Engine will make its own version of them in game cache folder
  15. Hello, Thank you for report. Aside from possible bug in game, you most likely will not get the alarm or message if you are already fighting or were fighting recently (I can't tell what the timeframe for this is), else you will be bombarded with the notifications.
  16. Exactly, because host did not unlist you, host/server thinks there is player with your name and another one is trying to join. Can be timing, maybe try what happens if you try few seconds later, if doesn't help the best would be to open ticket.
  17. If map settings are not resetting correctly between games or switching maps then yes, it could keep some settings from another map/game. There is also genral dilema when messing up with settings, if player can do the change to the specific setting in the map group, then it probably should not change when switching maps, so potentially if on one map setting is locked and it is switched to map where it can be changed, it could be carried over.
  18. You are moving your unit back and forth for purpose to dodge the missiles as the position (generally small area roughly around your unit position) where they hit is calculated when unit shoots so you are not really moving your unit to another location, with acceleration your unit does not instantly changes its position so dodging arrows that way is not that effective
  19. No if you find mod for it, Not saying it should not be fixed/prevented as much as possible. Just saying option will still be there
  20. Unit stops and always stopped to do an attack. Acceleration has nothing with that mechanic.
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