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Everything posted by kangz

  1. you mean graphics settings? Curiously there is no lag in windowed mode. What do you think it could be?
  2. win 10 (same problem on ubuntu) 28 4k monitor ryzen 5 2600 1050ti video https://filebin.net/lob6fs8bp43uhtxx
  3. @ffffffff players will crowdfund for your devirgination if you take the time to update your mod. https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/devirginate-fpre
  4. Please introduce slaves in 0ad for the purpose of historical accuracy. 1/5 of the roman population were slaves.
  5. what we need is a TG cooldown like in csgo if you quit too many games/ if your connection is crap etc to protect the time of other players.
  6. windowed mode seems to be OK but fullscreen mode is blurry.
  7. i didnt have this problem in a23. please fix if possible.
  8. windows 10. I have 4k monitor scaled to 150 maybe thats the problem?
  9. screenshot doesnt capture it unfortunately left is a24 https://ibb.co/album/KFFtr9
  10. its weird but the screenshot seems ok while in game the graphics are blurry
  11. have graphics issue. wonder what the problem is. amd ryzen 5 and 1050ti
  12. anyone experiencing problems with the FONTS???
  13. programming genius how do I install 2 versions?
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