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Everything posted by sphyrth

  1. A little suggestion about #4. Watching AoE2 Commentaries can help to a certain extent. It's where I learned terms like "woodline", "shuttling", "raid", "rush", and a lot more.
  2. Hahaha So I'll take this is a good summary of the guide: 1. Practice Economy Booming 2. Practice Efficiency 3. Practice Economy Management 4 and above. Know the game better.
  3. Well, knowing this one would definitely improve my game. Thanks!
  4. Thanks guys! So basically you guys favor normal or slower-paced games. I'll be adjusting to that now.
  5. 10. Now, you can break some of the rules. lol Anyway, now I have a real guide on at least how many women I should have. A little question about #2. Is it okay for me if I send 1 woman for every 5 miners / lumberjacks?
  6. In My RA2 games, I max out the game speed (x6). In 0 A.D., I might go with x2. How about you guys?
  7. Philippines. Whatever the standard timezone that is. sphyrth - just formed in an attempt to use a nick without vowels.
  8. I've seen similar videos years ago. It was so long I forgot what application was used for it.
  9. The Barracks outside my base would eventually belong to Gaia, which is one of the risk factors about this strategy.
  10. The Aura mechanic for a temporary conversion sounds good then.
  11. I thought this was a "Wololo" issue. I don't know about women, but I think sheep are very loyal to their shepherd.
  12. I watched a player extending the limits of his territory by building a structure just at the edge of it, then using the extended territory influence of that structure to create more structures and so on. I tried to experiment on it (see attachment), and this is what I think: On one side, it seems to make the idea of Territory Boundaries meaningless. On the other, it has some risk factors to be pulled off effectively. My question is: Is this a bug that needs to be fixed, or is it an acceptable mechanic?
  13. Yup. The transition for me was quite the challenge, but I HAD to take back my AoE-less childhood! Been playing since Alpha 20 came out, and am looking forward for 21 this month. Kudos to the WFG team!
  14. So far, the best games I've watched come from GamingBrotherhoodGR. They don't make good Beginner Tutorials though. The only real beginner stage tutorial I know of is about teaching players how to play "Farmville" in Phase I.
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