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WFG Programming Team
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Everything posted by Imarok

  1. Done (Just need to change the name of the sound file and discuss/decide if the sound should be played too when starting a replay) gameLoadedSound.patch
  2. No you don't you need just to apply this patch and compile a 32 bit (If you want to compile a 64 bit you have to figure it out by yourself I guess)
  3. this is the ticket we are talking about: #1619
  4. here is the ticket: #4146
  5. @Lion.Kanzen I think niektb was talking about this:
  6. You have to type /kick username or /ban username in the normal chat
  7. I think it's planned to disable their attack ability until phase 3
  8. I think the AI is not ready for this gametype
  9. No. You only have to pay resources to train traders. When you are trading you create resources out of nothing.
  10. There was converting units by priests in 0ad some years ago
  11. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths in mod I guess
  12. (Third entry) trac ticket: #3403
  13. Just click on one part of the wall and press on the button with the gate (left side of the gui at the bottom) Edit: Here are some tips for beginners: (the forum has a search functionality btw)
  14. I think formations are difficult to implement and there are other things more important and easier to implement atm. So they have to wait. ( There a some(maybe just one) people trying to improve formations atm )
  15. Why should anyone build Yoddhas as Maiden guards have the same stats and costs, but deal 4 more Hack and Pierce damage?
  16. Me too. Why not make end of alert a bell with a red line crossing it out?
  17. just use shift + click to add to "transit points"
  18. Just because, nothing heard here since a month. (Maybe I'm just too impatient to see this in the game )
  19. Sorry for asking, but will this be implemented in the main game?
  20. The FPS Overlay is not displayed properly:
  21. There is some information in the corresponding ticket: #3403
  22. should be here or/and here (Took me 2 seconds to find this... Just search through github repo for "wall snap")
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