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    Mike Yu

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    Simple programming,
    Murdering Malware,
    Blame john.

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    Mike Yu. Figure out which one.

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  1. Maybe an "On duty" and "Off Duty" mode? This would add an element of strategy if you made them move to a civic center or military building in order to have them back. Promoting surprise attacks, and I think we all know how valuable that is.
  2. crashlog.dmpcrashlog.txtinterestinglog.htmlmainlog.htmloos_dump.txtsystem_info.txt
  3. Dunno. But Hannibal can REALLY stomp down foes.
  4. _________________FFFFFFFFF__________________ Seem like an ideal defense? T HHHHLHHHH T PP HHHHHHHHH PP SWSWSWSW SSSSSSSSSS SWSWSWSW SS SS SS SS
  5. H=Hoplite F=Foot companion from macedon S=Skirmisher C=Cavalry SS=Siege SW=Swordsman _=Impassible part T=Tower L=Leonidas P=Priest
  6. Especially, if about 15 women are getting resources from another ally territory to fuel the war machine. And that could eventually evolve into the making of siege engines. Which means dead elephants. Of course, I could also add my ally to flank the elephants. And of course, realistically, the elephant thing would have spearmen or swordsmen backing em up. Thats when my cav/swords surge. And so, if my ally was macedon, they could lend me a line of foot companions.
  7. I think if you garrison, if affects how fast the the thingy shoots. Hero auras, I'm not sure.
  8. Maybe this? ________________C C C C__________________________ TOWER C C C C TOWER HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH SSSS SSSS SSSS SKIRMISHER LINE P P P Swordsmen and hoplites could use the cavalry gaps to take out any enemy cav/hoplites while cav counters elephants.
  9. How about without siege? D: It's a bit hard to make. C=cav H=Hoplite S=Sword-guy P=Priest
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