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Everything posted by Lapuente

  1. sorry, I haven't figured out how to update it? Do I update it in-game or in a launcher or how?
  2. what about the spectrum panning? will custom keyboard shortcuts will be implemented in future Alphas? Betas? EDIT: for example, making the Ctrl+arrow also work with the middle mouse button.
  3. Hi, Is there a way to customize controls? or to change some of the hot-keys, mouse control? I am having a couple issues:/ - Panning with the middle mouse button. It doesn't seem to do anything really. It would be good if I could pan around in an x/y/z spectrum, instead of just, zoom in, zoom out, left and right. you know? - this keys : "[ ]" for rotating buildings do not work on German Keyboards, It would be good if we could cusomize or assign them to other keys so that we are able to rotate the buildings. just that really, other than that, the game is honestly magnificent.
  4. wow, we need a bit more people involved, I was the last one to comment on July :/ no worries, I will spread the word
  5. Been a long time, but Im ready to play again!!!!
  6. quite quite nice!!! I would love to see it implemented
  7. It would be interesting if the Sharks would attack fishing boats haha
  8. A lot of time in silent what is happening?
  9. you know... its really not that bad idea, to add a skeletons civilisation just for fun, maybe with an unlock code or something, but why the heull not?
  10. This looks awesome, is it already included in the game?
  11. That looks a bit complicated haha, I rather wait
  12. Super awesome!!!!! When will we be able to play this updates?
  13. Thank you very much for this release!!! awesome indeed
  14. What about a research centre? like "school" or "research guild" or something, where you can research improvements for particular things like weapons, buildings, research speed, animal training... things of that nature?
  15. Oh ok, thanks haha Thank you very much
  16. How can I update my game for the newest release? I am a mac user
  17. I would suggest like a University building for all civilisations where you can study like building improvements, fire arrows, advanced turrets, etc..
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